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Candy Cane Disappears Gun
Reviewed, HighPublic


Swapped a candy cane for my AK, & my AK disappeared. First off I took a month break cause of the countless effing bugs that continued past your most recent update to 1.22 or 1.23 whatever.
I come back & within a few hours playing time. My only gun, a KAS-74u, disappears when picking up a candy cane…. Yes I recorded it, & yes I retraced my steps…. Walking up, & swapping a candy cane for my AK, poof disappeared my gun.

I love you guys! pardon my nickname, I was a tad angry!


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Play DayZ. Pick up a gun. Swap it for a candy cane.

Additional Information

Although not guaranteed to always happen, it sure happens at only the best of times!

It’s on Xbox Series X, not sure why I that’s not an option for operating system here.

Event Timeline

DayZdevsHaveDowns changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 2 2024, 1:07 PM
LouMontana triaged this task as High priority.Jan 3 2024, 4:15 PM
LouMontana updated the task description. (Show Details)