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Queue Grace Period Implementation
Feedback, NormalPublic


I was playing on a full server when my steam client suddenly crashed and caused my Dayz client to close. What would it take to implement some sort of queue grace period for someone who was recently connected to a server, doesnt have to be anything too crazy maybe like 5 minutes or something. I find it upsetting when I lose out on playing with my friends due to some unfortunate crash that im sure others have experienced. I have talked with multiple server owners and they have stated that this is something out of their hands until Bohemia implements the support for queue grace periods. I ask that the team please looks into this as Dayz is a game I enjoy playing but when things like this happen it turns me away from the game.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce

Join a full server and simulate a client crash. Re-join server and wait in a long queue

Event Timeline

jpmoe1 created this task.Nov 27 2023, 3:21 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Nov 27 2023, 10:38 AM