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VehicleRespawner keeps failing
Reviewed, UrgentPublic


8:05:12.47 !!! [CE][VehicleRespawner] (PRIHatchback02) :: Respawning: "VehicleHatchback02" - Failed to spawn the requested amount (0 < 2) within 6 attempts.

This is not the only vehicle, and sometimes it's not a vehicle the "spawner fails" all the time. Is there something that could cause this?

The server really doesn't have other real issues. Just would like things not to fail to spawn.


Operating System
Windows 7
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

Just wait an hour or so, it will be there a couple times (within the logs)

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Nov 20 2023, 12:10 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello HeyHeyHey4302.
This means that either all spawnpoints are occupied or there are players too close to all of them or there might be a misconfiguration
You can enable more loggings to gather more information on it by enabling log_ce_dynamicevent and log_ce_vehicle in cfgeconomycore.xml

I've applied that. Give me a while and I'll update on any other confusing errors, and progress

Yeah, it seems to be trying to put them in "occupied" spots. Any suggestions to easily make the spawns more effective in placing? Like a simple function to pick from actually available spots, and not a list of all possible spots.

Thank you for assisting me, as well.

Geez added a comment.Nov 21 2023, 10:44 AM

Yeah, it seems to be trying to put them in "occupied" spots. Any suggestions to easily make the spawns more effective in placing? Like a simple function to pick from actually available spots, and not a list of all possible spots.

Thank you for assisting me, as well.

Unfortunately there is nothing such as this implemented at the moment. The reason being that the logic for this is not simple.

I love how the game runs on random events based on random events almost!! Thanks for the help. You've helped me completely. Thank you. My issue is fine, my cars like to spawn in a hand full of spots. Ha. Have a good day.

Geez added a comment.Nov 21 2023, 11:04 AM

No problem! Have a great day as well :)