This is a form to report a cheater
Server- Livonia US LA 5366 1pp
Time: around 10:43pm eastern standard time
My steam ID is iFlawed01, in game name is kevin
I was in the South East of the map and a person was shooting repeatedly. I figured they were base raiding, I think I was right. When I got there I saw a wooden base in the woods. I was in a full ghille suit and was about 200m away in a tree from the base when I started getting shot at with a suppressed gun (different than the one that was originally shooting). I ran about 100-200m away and hid in a tree. I wasn't hit at all. Then I start getting shot at from behind me through the tree. I keep running, they keep shooting next to me through the tree. I only have eyes on this person once and they shoot at me through trees every time (terrible at shooting). They were expecting me at that base and were probably baiting shots with their x-ray. It was the most weird encounter I have ever had in this game. I have over 4000 hours with all my accounts. This person was beyond cheating. I have a video of the encounter but I'm not sure how to send it. Thanks for all you do!