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Ammo Resupply Box Not Detecting Supplies or Stays Registered
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


When testing the use of the ammo resupply box, I noticed that it sometimes fails to detect supplies that are in a vehicle and supplies that are in a backpack on the players inventory.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Load vehicle with supplies.
  2. Load ammo supply pack into trunk.
  3. Load backpack with supplies into trunk.
  4. Drive out of range of base so ammo supply pack shows 0 supplies.
  5. Equip ammo supply pack.
  6. Place ammo supply pack on ground.
  7. Equip backpack with supplies.
  8. Observe no supplies detected.
Additional Information

Sometimes if you have a backpack equipped with supplies while you equip the ammo supply pack it will stay "registered" with the ammo box, and you can place the backpack with supplies far away and it will still stay synced with the backpack. See videos.

Event Timeline

Ironbeard renamed this task from Ammo Resupply Box Not Detecting Supplies to Ammo Resupply Box Not Detecting Supplies or Stays Registered.
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Nov 15 2023, 2:12 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Nov 27 2023, 11:57 AM