/* * Author: Ampersand * Attaches the child object to a selection on a parent object, at the current relative position and orientation. * * Arguments: * 0: Child <OBJECT> * 1: Parent <OBJECT> * 2: Selection <STRING> * 3: Relative <BOOLEAN> True to maintain current relative orientation, false to match selection orientation * * Return Value: * 0: Selection Position and Orientation <ARRAY> For saving * 0: Selection * 1: Attachment - For example, place objects in editor, run this code in init, save attachment data for later use. * * Example: * [_child, _parent, _bonename, _isRelative] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "attachToSelection.sqf"; * [_rocket, _tank, "recoil_axis", false] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "attachToSelection.sqf"; // Matches barrel direction * [_flower, player, "weapon"] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "attachToSelection.sqf"; * * Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-no1LJnf5E */ #define LOD_MEMORY 1e15 params ["_child", "_parent", "_selection", ["_isRelative", true]]; if (!isNull attachedTo _child) then {detach _child;}; private _childPos = _parent worldToModel ASLToAGL getPosWorldVisual _child; private _childY = _parent vectorWorldToModelVisual vectorDirVisual _child; private _childZ = _parent vectorWorldToModelVisual vectorUpVisual _child; private _childX = _childY vectorCrossProduct _childZ; private _selectionPos = _parent selectionPosition [_selection, LOD_MEMORY]; private _offset = _childPos vectorDiff _selectionPos; _parent selectionVectorDirAndUp [_selection, LOD_MEMORY] params ["_selectionY", "_selectionZ"]; private _selectionX = _selectionY vectorCrossProduct _selectionZ; private _m = matrixTranspose [_selectionX, _selectionY, _selectionZ]; private _pos = flatten ([_offset] matrixMultiply _m); _child attachTo [_parent, _pos, _selection, true]; [_childX, _childY, _childZ] matrixMultiply _m params ["", "_vY", "_vZ"]; if (_isRelative) then { _child setVectorDirAndUp [_vY, _vZ]; }; [ [_selectionPos, _selectionY, _selectionZ], [_pos, _vY, _vZ] ]
- Severity
- Feature
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- N/A
- Operating System
- Windows 10 x64
- Category
- Scripting