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A small drybag can no longer hold the players items while inside the inventory
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A small drybag can no longer hold the players items while inside the inventory of the player, only when the small drybag is empty, will it allow the player to place it into their inventory. In ALL previous updates this has been possible and now is not possible. This could be an issue with all small containers that players would use to protect their items such as bandages or explosives. This could also possibly happen with base storage inventory as well but I have not been able to test this with barrels or anything other than the survivor inventory.

I hope this is a problem and not an intentional change because that would be terrible.

I logged into 1.23 having used a drybag in 1.22 and wanted to manage my items and was unable to collect my small drybag after dropping it, I believed I was desynced so I relogged but then I discovered... I cannot use my drybag to protect my items. nice.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

step 1. place empty small drybag into inventory to see that the empty one will function
step 2. place small drybag back to the ground
step 3. place any item inside
step 4. attempt to place the small drybag containing anything into inventory. (it will not function as it did in previous updates)

Event Timeline

Same here, I tried everything but nothing worked.