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arma3_x64.exe - System Error ( Arma 3 doesn't start) OxC0000135 - Status_DLL_NOT_FOUND
New, NormalPublic


Arma 3 doesn't start and it only goes to a popup notification that says "The code execution cannot proceed because was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem". Please check the attachment for the bug report{F3183713}


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

1.Whenever I start the game it goes to the Arma 3 launcher.
2.There's a popup that says battle eye doesn't start so I proceed to not starting the battle eye

  1. When I click on the button that says "play the game" or "play the game with mods" it doesn't start and gives me the arma3 x64.exe - System Error
Additional Information

Tried reinstalling a couple of times and tried to reinstall on a different drive but still the same thing it doesn't start the game and the error message always pops up. Please help thanks!

Event Timeline

CryptoMod renamed this task from arma3_x64.exe - System Error ( Arma 3 doesn't start) OxC0009135 - Status_DLL_NOT_FOUND to arma3_x64.exe - System Error ( Arma 3 doesn't start) OxC0000135 - Status_DLL_NOT_FOUND.
CryptoMod updated the task description. (Show Details)Oct 22 2023, 4:37 PM
CryptoMod edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)