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i cant open my base
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the issue is realy simple, the open side of the gate is always on right and i somehow could put the loocker on and cant reach it from outside


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

build a normal gate, you can choose the side open

Additional Information

this game have like 10 years and something simple like change side of gate isnt possible, why ?

Event Timeline

vithor created this task.Oct 20 2023, 12:45 AM

update, i manage to DESTROY my own base, but now i still cant unlock me from inside, the lock is in front of me but this game dont allow me to open, i dont wanna break everything again, what can i do ?

Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).Oct 24 2023, 4:58 PM

update, i manage to DESTROY my own base, but now i still cant unlock me from inside, the lock is in front of me but this game dont allow me to open, i dont wanna break everything again, what can i do ?

Use your brain next time...

Use your brain next time...

it was my first base, its not my fault if the game dont allow you to choose what side the gate can be open