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Serious rubber-banding glitch. Please watch clip.
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


It seems when you interact with certain objects, your character seems to 'spaz' out for a moment. I apologize for the vagueness, but there's no other way I can describe it. I will include a 45 second video clip of me trying to loot one of the new fire trucks at the airfield, close to the ATC tower. You'll have to watch it and see it for yourself. I'm sure that you guys have seen this before as I have seen it with other players as well as some streamers.
This also happens when zombies are chasing you, you might get stuck in a door or window frame and 'spaz' out for a bit, potentially causing you to get killed by zeds. This has happened to me on more than one occasion, however this particular instance is the only one I have gotten a clip of so far.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

I don't really know of any steps to reproduce this. It seems to happen more when trying to out-maneuver zombies like trapping them in a building or something and then winding up getting stuck in a door or window frame.

Additional Information

This is the first time this has happened to me around a vehicle. It is usually in houses and getting stuck in doors or window frames. The glitch itself always presents the same way. Character seems to just rubber-band around for a while and you can't take any action against it. In fact sometimes moving makes it worse, but you have to in order to get out of it. It's a weird one.
There are ZERO things wrong with my PC or internet connection. I have a wired, gigabit-ethernet connection through Comcast and I live in Northeastern United States. My PC is a custom build by yours truly and will run some of the most intensive games with no issue. Furthermore, like I said, I have seen this issue happen with other players and streamers that I watch and it seems to always be the same type of glitch.

Event Timeline

I can confirm this. I think it's an issue with collision and it seems to have gotten worse over the last updates. Getting pushed by zombies/players/doors into or against walls, strafing along a wall, having the playermodel squeezed in tight spaces between objects (e.g. between car wrecks), etc. can all result in this bouncing around motion. I can hardly play a session or watch a stream without seeing this happening.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 9 2023, 9:27 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Oct 11 2023, 10:25 AM