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Add the Name of Disabled Function to RemoteExec Log Messages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When a user tries to execute a disabled function via remoteExec, the log message only states that a disabled function was attempted to be executed, but does not specify which function it was. This information is crucial for server administrators for debugging and security purposes.

Current behavior: When a disabled function is attempted to be invoked using remoteExec, the log message appears as follows:

15:19:46 User Nerexis [PL-ROYAL] (76561198010051679) tried to remoteExec a disabled function

The log message should include the name of the disabled function that was attempted to be executed. For example:

15:19:46 User Nerexis [PL-ROYAL] (76561198010051679) tried to remoteExec a disabled function: "exampleFunction"


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

Disable a function, such as exampleFunction, in CfgRemoteExec or similar.
Attempt to invoke the disabled function via remoteExec from a client.
Check the server logs.

Additional Information

Adding the name of the disabled function will provide:

Enhanced debugging: Knowing the exact function that was disabled allows for faster and more effective debugging.
Improved Security: If an unauthorized user is trying to execute disabled functions, knowing exactly what they are attempting can assist with further security measures.

Event Timeline

Nerexis created this task.Sep 9 2023, 3:26 PM
dedmen closed this task as Resolved.Sep 19 2023, 1:49 PM
dedmen claimed this task.
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

Rev 151026
this weeks dev branch, profiling branch v5