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Getting kicked off the game for Unstable Connection while driving
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Hi All,
This is the situation.

I very much enjoy this game and I already have spent more than 360h here so first of all I want to thank the developers for this experience, but I also want to state one big problem. I play in DayZ NL official server. Address, server version: 1.21.156300, game version: 1.21.0 That problem is vehicles. To be precise the problem is that driving through certain areas of the map (ChernarusPlus) quite fast (tested with all vehicles) game starts to lag a bit and seconds after that vehicle becomes bouncy and starts to clip through the map, then seconds later I am welcomed with the main menu screen WARNING (0x0004000A) - You were kicked off the game. Unstable connection. - It is matter of seconds until I will be able to log back just to check if all wheels are still good, if the engine did not get ruined, or perhaps I will wake up on the beach as if nothing had happened. I get it that it may be hard to understand at first, that is way I will add photos and videos describing the problem in greater details in Additional information. I have a reason to believe that is its not my Wi-Fi that I am being disconnected, because if I drive slow (less than 30km/h) in those areas game just lags a bit, but I do not get kicked out. I also have a reason to believe that it is not my specs, because I run this game with 120 fps on extreme with no problem.

My specs:
Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12600K 3.70 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable)
GPU: RTX 3070 Ti
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Now 9/10 times finding such area in the map costs me my life.

So let me say that. I hope that details in Additional Information let you understand the problem better and if you need more information or if I missed something do not hesitate to ask. I also hope that this shows you how such bug can cause players to lose the game quote:

in which players follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can

I do not mind get killed by guns or explosives, get hit by a car, get eaten by a bear, fall down from a building and die, get sick and die, get killed by zombies, drown etc. but I do mind when game in which players follow a single goal: to survive gives you a vehicle and then kicks you off itself and kills you. I do mind that.

By the way, thanks for the new backpacks.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.22621 Build 22621
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Connect to DayZ NL official server.
  2. Get a vehicle.
  3. Drive around 80km/h through the areas marked in the map.
  4. Get kicked off after the vehicle becomes bouncy and clippy.
  5. Wake up at the beach.
  6. Considering driving a car ever again.
Additional Information

This is the part of the map in which I play this game. Concentrating on the area of Novodmitrovsk and west all the way to Kamensk.

Red lines shows the precise area where bounces and kicks off happening. Red arrows represent the direction the vehicle was going to.
Let me be clear it is not one time event. It happens always, on the same locations.

Let us take a look at Video 1:

You can see how a player is about to turn right to the forest close to Novodmitrovsk, but the vehicle becomes bouncy and uncontrollable. I have few recordings of that, but I believe this one demonstrates the issue the clearest.
I am not a developer or in any way involved in video game creation process, but such game behaviour makes me wounder if:
A) The game( or the server) is having a hard time loading itself and kicks off players if they are too fast and that can happen because a player has build a massive base marked on the map, or the whole ChernarusPlus is divided into chunks and if player moves faster than the chunk is loaded is kicked off the game.

If so why let players build big bases if the game cannot handle it, or why let player drive(or be fast) if the game cannot handle it.

Let us take a look at Video 2:

This demonstrates that his happens also when other players are in the same vehicle. Just for them it shows that you are steering towards the wall. That makes my wounder why in those locations the game does not register any of my keyboard inputs?

Let me share with you another location. This is more west towards Kamensk. I noticed that there is a player base close by. I will always be kicked off while driving towards Kamensk on this route right after that big field on the right side. Unfortunately I do not have the video for that, but the Ada that I accidently crashed into a tree yesterday after another bouncy incident made me write this post and hope that such game bug could be fixed.

And the final location where the major bouncing and kicking off business happening is slightly west to Novodmitrovsk. Mini industrial area before the city starts.

Let us take a look at Video 3

Here you can see that even a mini bounce can lead to a kicking off the game situation. Sometimes there are no bounces. Sometimes there is just big sound of crash and the black screen even though a second ago game showed you that you are driving in the middle of the road safe and sound. This makes me wounder that perhaps this happens only if other players are nearby? If so is this then another sign for a player to know that someone is around, or it just means that a player who on foot will always win. But then... why even have cars in the game? Why to have a thing that make your survival so much easier and efficient and at the same time so buggy that everyone who uses it dies. Wouldn't that be similar to outhouses being the best non-military location in the game?

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Aug 24 2023, 2:49 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Craig_t_moore.
While we are aware of the problems with the vehicles, they should not lead to being kicked out from the server. Is it possible for you to check on another network to confirm this is not related to your network?

Hello Geez,

First of all thank you for your response. I appreciate it and I hope you will be able to find a solution to this problem.
My base got raided and it took me a bit to get another vehicle, but I successfully managed to do more tests and share the results.

I do not think it is connection problem.

I am playing with two other friends from different countries on different networks and we all experience the same issue with vehicles on the same locations.
I also managed capture the problem on iPhone's hotspot. It is a different network, but the results are the same.

This is my Home Wi-Fi

Ping before logging in the server:

All the footage from a previous post was captured on this network.

This is my iPhone's hotspot

Ping before logging in the server:

As before my game is focused on north-north/east corner of the map. I have tasted on previously mentioned locations. Here is the map and footage for your better understanding:

25/08 - 15:08(GMT +1)

This shows that driving on the same route towards Novodmitrovsk player is kick off the game. I have to admit that perhaps on iPhone's hotspot bounciness was more intense.
Please take a look at the login after such situations:

As you can see in the login footage such situation can get very dangerous for a player. So if a player chooses do drive and is unaware of such locations of the map then his chances of survival are greatly reduced.
25/08 - 15:18(GMT +1)

This is the newest discovered area of the map where kicking off is happening. I think this area is slightly worse than others, just because the vehicle here is even more unpredictable.
Unfortunately, I failed to demonstrate that slowing down and driving slowly through such locations does not kick you off, but the game starts to lag for a bit. This test was good however, because it shows that clearly there is some bug there.
I would like you to look at the login footage of this scene with a greater attention:

I think this last video shows the core of this problem. Login footage clearly shows how unfair the game is to the player who chooses to drive. Do you see where the car is before the kick and after the login? Good that I had spare tire...

Geez added a comment.Aug 28 2023, 10:50 AM

Thank you for the detailed information.
Do you only have a wi-fi connection? (And do your friends also have wi-fi or does any of them experience this on cable as well?) Asking because wi-fi is generally not recommended for DayZ due to its heavy network wise requirements.

Craig_t_moore added a comment.EditedAug 28 2023, 12:22 PM

Hello Geez,
If the game generally is not recommended for wi-fi, this should be made well aware and clear. There is no information about not playing this game using wi-fi. I have checked steam and the official website, but please share a link if I missed it. Such precious information would save a lot of players headaches. I guess I will just not drive anymore.

We all play on wi-fi.

Geez added a comment.Aug 28 2023, 12:57 PM

In general, for any online game wi-fi is not recommended. As it can cause several issues. Wi-fi connection is never as stable as cable unfortunately.

Ok. I will get a cable.

Hello Geez,

I got a Ethernet Cable. You are right. Connection with the cable is more stable than the Wi-Fi. However I am still getting disconnected. If previously I would get kicked off on every drive, now I get kicked off one in six times. Here are some of the results. While still not perfect Ethernet Cable is strongly recommended for the game, or don't even try to drive on Wi-Fi.
I noticed that when I have the cable kicking off is usually happening, before the server restart as if server would get "tired" and after restart I am safe while driving.

Here is one time when I did not get kicked off. As you see the game just a little bit lags. I could also achieve the same while playing on Wi-Fi and driving really slow through such locations.

However I Believe that the problem is still there. It is a little bit better with the cable, but still is dangerous and can kill players easily. Look at the last video

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Sep 7 2023, 11:45 AM

Thank you.
We have tested this extensively -
We have tried to drive in the same areas like on your videos, with multiple vehicles, in slow and high speeds and even with server under heavy load we could not produce the problem - we never were kicked out of the game due to unstable connection.