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Over the last week since the launch of Spearhead 1944 I have begun to get 0xC0000005 - ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes. At first it was only when I played Antistasi so I went and played KOTH which ran fine with no crashes until yesterday where I have begun to crash anywhere from 15 min of gameplay to as soon as I load into the mission, I seems to take longer to crash after taking a long break from the game, and gets quicker the more I attempt to play Arma. The crashing also occurs with Prairie Fire so it is not the DLC. I have reinstalled the game; verified the game files muiltiple times, updated my GPU, and Windows 11 to the latest versions. None of these fixes have worked and haven't even improve time till crash. I have also monitored my Memory, CPU, and GPU usage and none have been close to maxed at time of crash and have been running with minimal applications at time of playing. I also do not believe this to be a cooling issue.

Attached are 2 crash files and my Dxdiag


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5028254)
Game Crash

Event Timeline

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.Aug 18 2023, 12:02 PM
dedmen claimed this task.
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

Its your USB Headset.
It is set to Mono channel. You are playing Arma without even Stereo sound. Check your configuration.,