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Move "play from camera" entity creation to post world init
Assigned, NormalPublic


I would like to request that the entity spawned when the user chooses "Play from camera position" is moved post OnWorldPostProcess or even post game mode start so that it counts as a dynamic entity both for replication and my custom scripted logic. Right now I have problems with differentiating "npcs" with the same prefab being placed vs spawned by the engine for this special play mode. IEntity.IsLoaded() can not be used because I want to support scripted logic spawning something deterministically during world load.

I know that I can get the entity from the player controller before I spawned anything myself in the respawn system, but at that point I need to do a lot of work to undo all the registrations the entity already received as "baked map object". I think for the sake of consistency in scripting logic this magically spawned character should be added later, as if it was spawned by a scripted respawn system logic which would not add any characters during world load either.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Arkensor created this task.Aug 2 2023, 3:25 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Aug 3 2023, 11:14 AM