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1.22 EXP Blog Disappointment & Suggestions
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I haven't been around the community more than a couple of years now, so I probably don't have the right to start this discussion.
But the game has really grown on me, enough so to learn how to run a server, have submitted a few dozen feedbacks which some have been fixed, and recently start modding.
Sorry for the long post...

The most exciting news back in February had everyone I know in the community excited.

"We also plan on focusing more on infected AI this year. We’d like to change the way they move through the environment, as well as how you battle them. There are a number of factors regarding this subject that require further investigation, so we can’t share much more info with you at present. But suffice it to say that the changes we’re considering have great potential to change the PvE aspect of the game for the better."

Then... todays blog..

"Lastly, we’d like to give you an update on our plans for the rest of the year. We mentioned in our DayZ in 2023 blog post that our intention was to focus more on the infected AI. We also noted that the topic required more investigation. Unfortunately, upon careful evaluation, we discovered that the proposed modifications did not align with our development timeline. As a result, we redirected our attention and resources towards other pivotal undertakings for 1.23 and beyond."

I don't want this to sound like I'm hating... I'm just disappointed.. and I know others are too..

There have been many great updates over the patches I've experienced. between 1.06 and todays 1.22
Each one implements a new mechanic, usually a new weapon, and a new reason to keep playing the game.
We got the #1 Bug fixed a few patches ago... ADS Bug!
The 2nd best fix since I've been playing... the AI no longer beats you to death while you're KO... So some.... improvements have been made...
But one of the other top 5 issues still remains...

Players keep coming back to DayZ because it is a fun immersion interactive experience.
I don't play DayZ for the PVP, I'd go play battlebits for that, though getting a fun snipe is still enjoyable, but so is sniping a well designed PVE event...
I've met many people in game, and discovered many streamers sharing their experience.
The ONE thing alike that has always broken the enjoyment... has been the predictability of the AI's lack of logic.

Are the AI supposed to be super human? or in a weakened state?
I'm only going to leave a few points, I know many people in the community could fill pages on this topic...

There is no current method to properly sneak around without being detected.
AI feels like it has super sonic hearing... or just ESP when you're trying to be quiet out of view.

Super human... or weaken?
Feels like they have Xray vision at times...
Night Vision... on True Dark night servers, AI should not be able to agro unless they are less than 5 meters away.
They can approach noises but do not go into full agro until you can be visually seen....(ok a radius if the moon was shining)

AI attacks the nearest player when someone starts shooting.
Someone continues to shoot, but the hoard gathers on the person hidden within a building.
The only way a player can get the hoard to leave is to lay down. This one makes no sense as you are no longer visible to the outside. ESP...
AI should lose focus on the player inside/behind inaccessible assets. (unless they're making noise... jogging, voip, sneezing, coughing ect.... )
in Project Zomboid, you can customize how intelligent the AI is.
Example being, you can adjust how quick they forget about you once you break line of sight, say from Instant to never.

I've heard from players whom been with the game since the really early days. AI would literally follow you across the entire map if you could survive. So.. Thanks for making that not a thing anymore 😅 Though the thought of having stalking zeds that keep hunting for you across vast distance could be interesting. not sure how it would work though..
Maybe as they track you, they keep moving in the last known direction and gather a larger group until they run into an unsuspecting survivor in the forest trying to cook some fish.

Things that may help

If there was a way to push away or shove through a hoard.
We were given the ability to block a few patches ago... but with weapon raise being an issue, there is almost no way to fight back other than punching or slashing.

Project Zomboid does these mechanics pretty well. Though in Zomboid you don't have a jump option, so a different keybind would be needed for shoving... "B" I guess would work.. or remapping F23 to a mouse button.

Hip fire when close to AI
The player shouldn't be required to hold their pistol out at arms length to fire.
IRL, you'd be shooting! make it less impactful... gut shots generally aren't instant IRL also..
But the shock from the blast should push the AI away stumbling.

Give server owners an ability to change some AI's settings. The game is a sandbox right?
I heard mention of a potential proper admin interface during the Dev stream?...
Currently to reconfigure zeds, admins need to create or find an existing mod.

As a server owner, this has boggled me why there is no proper provided interface to manage a community server.

Examples of server menu settings. (I like how Project Zomboid treats AI)

Distance AI can see, based on the type of AI, Civilian, Mil, Tier zone, Special
Clarity of their vision: if you are within 1 Meter of an asset (building, fence, bushes) Vision is reduced by 50%... 75% if you're within water and bushes.. 90% if prone.
Different tiers of aggression..


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
AI Issues
Additional Information

Sorry, still love ya, but disappointed-Nate

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jul 28 2023, 10:04 AM