I would like to have typename support in the serializer because I need to send some of my custom types to a web api for filtered queries. I was expecting that the serializer just treats them as strings, but right now they seem to be ignored.
array<typename> typenameArray = {int, float, bool}; Print(typenameArray); ContainerSerializationSaveContext writer(); JsonSaveContainer jsonContainer = new JsonSaveContainer(); writer.SetContainer(jsonContainer); writer.WriteValue("typenameArray", typenameArray); auto res = jsonContainer.ExportToString(); Print(res);
SCRIPT : array<typename> typenameArray = 0x000001BA812852C8 {int,float,bool}
SCRIPT : string res = '{}'
The expected output would be
SCRIPT : string res = '{"typenameArray": ["int", "float", "bool"]}'