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Workbench crash - enf_staticbuffer.cpp - line 96
Reviewed, NormalPublic


If there are too many scripts or the script content is too huge the workbench can no long be opened.
The following error (fig.1) occurs on start. When clicking on abort or ignore the application crashes.

Replacing variable, funtcion or class names with names that have less letters helps to open the workbench again, but after adding more code the error occurs again.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

RamBob created this task.Jun 3 2023, 6:42 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jun 6 2023, 2:17 PM
RamBob added a comment.EditedJun 30 2023, 11:30 AM

Update (Experimental Build)
I just checked if the issue still exists in the experimental build after the major update yesterday and unfortunately it does.
Below is a screenshot of the error message.
It turned out that the "borders shifted" so the mod version that could be compiled with the current release version could not be compiled with the experimental build without removing lots of content.

For us that would mean if the update hits in the current state we are no longer able to edit, update our mod or push it to the workshop.
Even with the current release version we are not able to add content at the moment since more script content leads to the mentioned error.
We would really appreciate if there is a solution so we can use the workbench again.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Jul 10 2023, 3:57 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello everyone.
We have increased memory limit for scripts from 20MB to 40MB, which should provide enough space for some time. We are of course looking into other solutions in order to prevent this happening in the future again.

The message message which provides info regarding script memory was improved and moved to normal log level, example from vanilla (game consumes 42%):
SCRIPT : Loaded 3270x files; 6711x classes; used 17914/41943 kB (42%) of static memory; CRC32: 7029186f

This change will be included in the upcoming experimental update that is possibly coming this week.

This comment was removed by BohFeedback.

I checked it out with our mod and the problem seems to be fixed.

In the logs the following message is printed after compiling the mod.

Loaded 98x files; 294x classes; used 1034/2097 kB (49%) of static memory; CRC32: c6ef76a2

Does this mean we can use 2097 kB in per mod and 41943kB for all mods?