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New colors of platecarriers and their model quality
Reviewed, NormalPublic


In update 1.19, you added new platecarrier color options.
I noticed that the visual models of the new colors are much worse in terms of texture quality than the beige model (this also applies to body armor attachments - pockets and holsters).
Using the available tools - I unpacked the deployed body armor models and compared them (attached screenshots) - as you can see - the quality, visual and size model of the beige plate carrier is better than the new plate carrier (camouflage), the same for the green and black platecarriers.
I don’t know what this is connected with, maybe you wanted to optimize the models in order to win in increasing the FPS - but it looks very poor and of poor quality. I hope you fix this bug in future updates.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Personal Protection Armor
Steps To Reproduce


Additional Information

Regarding colors - Actual colors of plate carriers - they look just as terrible and not natural.
Green - almost the same as beige. Black is not black at all, but dark grey. I showed examples in the attached screenshots - your colors are visible on them. Also - I've attached 2 color options from the Steam workshop, which are better quality, and you can see that black is black and green is green.
I would like to see better colors in the game.
I don't understand why people who don't get paid for quality work do better than your employees who get paid for their work, but make poor quality items.

Event Timeline

LeBron created this task.May 11 2023, 7:36 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.May 12 2023, 1:16 PM