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DayZ failing to access Mic
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Hi, all of a sudden Dayz isn't recognising or even trying to access any of my microphones, I have an audio interface with XLR mic, and a Blue snowball USB Mic.

They were both working up until around 6 weeks ago, and now none of them work. I have tried every config under the sun to try get them to work, they are both set to Default devices, I have disbaled every other input, I have removed OBS, Virtual Cable, Discord too... I have completely removed DayZ and all addons, / aything associated with the game and neither will work.

all other applications use the MIC, and the Mics both work in the steam test.

One thing I have noticed is, in the voice range , when I press the down arrow, it changes it to full range, and when I press the up arrow the voice range immediately goes to 1 bar ( no middle bar on the hud), trying to activate voice activation instead of push to talk doesn't work, as as soon as I raise the threshold bar up the smallest amount possible, the mic symbol dissapears.

This is competely ruining the game, the biggest part of the game for me is in game comms, it's fundemantal.

also in windows secuirity settings its showing that dayz hasnt tried to access my mic for as many weeks as i havent been able to use it.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Version 10.0.22621 Build 22621

Event Timeline

R1PPA created this task.Apr 30 2023, 9:52 AM
Arez98 added a subscriber: Arez98.May 1 2023, 9:26 PM
Arez98 added a comment.May 2 2023, 7:58 AM

I have exactly the same issue. Tried all the fixes I could find on here and across reddit and YouTube.

R1PPA added a comment.May 2 2023, 8:03 AM

I have exactly the same issue. Tried all the fixes I could find on here and across reddit and YouTube.

There's a lot of folk all over the forums having the same issue with no fix, some have but that's mainly down to windows input settings, I'm hoping if we can get enough traction here we can have it looked into, it literally is a game breaker. The fact that dayz isn't even trying to access the mic in the security options in windows should be a clue as to what's going on.