Rating Systems:
Having like/dislike is a way to show preference of something,
but it does not yield a good result when trying to rate something.
Which to choose:
One of the reasons you would want to use like/dislike is if you want to increase user interaction with something,
that's why stuff like youtube moved to likes/dislikes and now just likes.
If there are 10 videos a user can watch and due to a rating system,
if a video sucks, it gets 1 star, if a video is good, it gets 4, if a video is perfect 5!
This would make the rating of the videos which are meh and okay-ish be lower compared to like/dislike system.
Videos with lower ratings get less views and people don't want to spend time watching bad quality videos.
And now youtube removed the dislikes, because it increases average user time on youtube,
If you open a video, you can't see that it's hated, you are more likely to watch it and youtube can
keep the user for longer and display more ads.
Arma Reforger case:
Since arma reforger workshop DOES NOT have ads, it should have a rating system.
A rating system is WAY better to help determine the quality, usability and value of mods.
I play a single player mission and I like where it's going, but it's buggy.
I don't LIKE it, but I don't DISLIKE it, it's not hot garbage and has potential.
I would rate it 3/5(LIKE)
I play a single player mission and it's average, I didn't have any bugs and finished it, I had fun.
I liked it, but it was not very innovative.
I would rate it 4/5.(LIKE)
Example 3:
I play a single player mission, it's very unique and has no bugs,
I can sense the effort that went into it and the mission is well balanced and unique.
I loved it, I rate it 5/5(LIKE)
Resulting score from examples:
A like/dislike system will rank all of these equally,
after I rate the scenarios on the workshop,
the next user that tries to find scenarios will be unable to determine which one is better.
A 5 star rating system would immediately display a difference.
The next users would be able to observe the quality of the missions easier.
Basically if you don't care about your clients/users wasting time,
you should build systems with likes/dislikes.
If you value your users and want to provide the best experience to them:
Have a rating system.