Since installing the 1.20 update (v1.20.155766) you can no longer combine inventory items.
Whilst the option to combine inventory objects still appears, the actual step of combining them (post selection) is no longer available.
Since installing the 1.20 update (v1.20.155766) you can no longer combine inventory items.
Whilst the option to combine inventory objects still appears, the actual step of combining them (post selection) is no longer available.
Same with food
The above was also replicated with:
Can you please try to switch from old control scheme to new one and then back? (Or vice versa).
This should resolve the problem.
You have to navigate to in game menu and then to controls
This is from xbox but PS should have similar setting.
ok that seems to have fixed the issue....but this begs the question - why?
Why are you changing the default controls that all console users have used since the game's launch on this platform.
Also, when I changed it to the new scheme....I was pretty confused by the new button layout/functionality (but at least the combine feature was back)...yet switching back to the original/default layout - I lost the combine functionality again! WTF?
Finally, there now also appears to be an issue with the new button configuration - if you have an item in your hands, you now need to use R2 (hold) to move it (to a container such as a crate/car/truck/etc) - yet theres no way to move the object (none of the D-Pads or Joysticks allow you to move the selection) - this really is crazy! Please let me know if you need me to open a new bug for this 'undocumented feature'.
Furthermore, if you're going to make a fundamental functionality change such as this - surely you should call this out in the update/change-log, and think about surfacing this option to an alert on the main screen (or making it default on v1.2x) - as I guarantee every console user will have this issue.
Furthermore, if you're going to make a fundamental functionality change such as this - surely you should call this out in the update/change-log, and think about surfacing this option to an alert on the main screen (or making it default on v1.2x) - as I guarantee every console user will have this issue.
It is a bug, the combine feature should still work on the old scheme as well by intention and we are currently investigating this issue. Though some players have reported that switching from the new scheme to the old one resolved the issue and they have been able to combine even on the old scheme. But as I have said, we are currently investigating the issue
ok thanks for the clarification. The game is pretty unplayable for me until you push a hot fix - so i'll leave it for now.
FWIW I have discovered another major 'undocumented feature' of the new button layout, which relates to moving items (between inventory, hands & storage containers (bags, clothes, crates, cars, etc) which i'll open another ticket for.
If you switch to the old control scheme. Are you at least able to combine through widget? (One item in hand and the other one on the ground)
Also, can you try to describe step by step how are you changing between the schemes? As according to our information the switch between the schemes should resolve the problem.
Can you try as follows?:
Yup I’ve done that a few times (as I mentioned above).
When you select triangle the first time (to change to the new scheme) the description text acknowledges this, by changing to “change to the default control scheme” (which when clicked changes back to the default scheme & updates the text to “change to the new control scheme”) - hope that makes sense.
Either way, I’ve switched multiple times between schemes and the combine feature definitely doesn’t work on the default scheme.
Triangle - as that’s what’s on the description text (there’s no option to select X or O).
Plus, as I’ve mentioned a couple of times now, when I select the new scheme, this is confirmed via the update of the scheme text.
Hello, we were not asking which button do you use to change the schemes. But which button do you use to combine the items in game. Do you combine the items through X or by holding down Circle?
You can upload an image by drag and dropping the image into the comment window.
Can you also please send us a screenshot of your controls settings once you set the default setting?
also, can you try to combine the bandage and sticks if it allows you to craft a fireplace? just to be sure that the mosin itself is not bugged
As I mentioned in the opening of this case I’ve tried combining other things like cans & opening implements/objects….as well as Hand Saws & Sharpening Stone
Thank you.
If switching the schemes to new and then back to default does not fix the issue, then we suggest you use the new control scheme where the combine works until a hotfix is deployed.
Hello again. So it seems that the issue why this is working for some players and for some not is that while going to
does not fix the issue,
going directly into CONTROLS on the main menu
and use "switch control scheme" will fix the issue.