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Feature Request: Possibility for server monetization
Reviewed, NormalPublic


It would be nice to have the possibility for monetization like in Arma 3 or DayZ.

Why it is important for us:
In the last years we hosted Arma 3 where our servers are listed on the monetization page.
Since Arma Reforger was released we full focused on it.
The problem is that since we switched to Reforger we have to pay for the infrastructure like servers and licenses by our own now.
Unfortunately the fewest are supporting a project without getting anything back.
The possibility to give players that are keeping the project alive some cosmetic stuff like a vehicle skin or a custom group flag would really help us a lot.

We absolutely can understand that it might not be a big priority during early access.
But we would be pleased, if you can help us.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

RamBob created this task.Jan 23 2023, 11:13 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 25 2023, 3:26 PM

These mod devs do not deserve any type of monetization until they actually run their server fairly instead of like a tyrannical dictatorship. The admins barely help anyone who needs it and just ignore rule breakers. Screw that.

This server is poorly made and the admins don't deserve anything at all, there are far too many people in the administration crew and police force that are power hungry and can't run a server to save their own lives. This is just a sad effort to earn money through a poorly made server.

MichaelSanbury added a comment.EditedMar 10 2023, 5:30 PM

I am referring to Team ELAN regarding my paragraph, every other server deserves their share of the profits apart from this awful server.

higuik added a subscriber: higuik.Mar 10 2023, 5:36 PM

And don't even think about donating to the servers (team elan) through their external programs, they aren't even putting the money back into the server they will just go and spend it on whatever substances they are taking which caused them to start this.

The Elan-Team is awesome and i have to give them my respect as they have normal jobs and they work on the server in their spare time and they do there own mods so everything is in-house made.

Team Elan is the best life server i ever played since arma 3 i play on Elan since 2015 started arma 3 now reforger

How can you be so mad about a free public roleplay server. You don't have to donate but some who really enjoy this server can donate. They had a Arma 3 RP Server since 2015 and this was for a good reason the best and most played RP Server. They just want to give their players something back for spending money for their server. Their Reforger Server ist so epic because they love RP so much they started coding for a RP Server on their own.

All these comments that are supporting the server are people only doing it for benefits, if you are new to the server don't even bother wasting your time officers such as ReturnDaTheMackk will just arrest you for no reason at all, when I spent my time in the corleone family all he did was punish us all.

PR9INICHEK added a comment.EditedMay 1 2023, 8:29 AM

Maybe buying a place in the queue and paid support for administrators will slightly improve things

UPD 21.11.2023:

scoff9332 added a subscriber: scoff9332.EditedAug 24 2023, 11:11 AM

Sad to see that this issue still is open without an answer.

I think at this point its fair to say, that big community projects with a lot of server costs are apparently not wanted by bohemia at this stage of the development.

Thats hard to say, there was never a statement why its not possible in Arma Reforger, but in DayZ or Arma 3.
Just speaking for me I would love to see more communities and servers in Reforger.
First, because the new new Enfusion Engine is pretty awesome and Arma always benefited from the variety of communities and mods.
Second, because it would help a lot to report bugs, server crashes and so on if more servers were active in general.

But when I see some of the comments above I somehow can understand why nobody at BI cares about it.