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Official Servers - High Pop Issues
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I'm playing on the official server: DayZ NL 3663951 (Public) - Hosted by
All the following issues happens only when the player count is over 30/60. All of this issues happens not only to me living in Italy but also to my friends that live in Germany and UK.
Issue 1: Cars become impossible to drive with a latency on command response of over 2 seconds. Also the car teleport to the side and slow down as well.
Issue 2: When unlocking a code lock often it changes the last number once the lock is unlocked. Also it lags a lot while trying to unlock the code lock
Issue 3: Almost every 20/40 minutes you get kicked out by the server
Issue 4: When fighting zombies some times if there are obstacle on their way running toward you the can end up colliding with them and flying high above the ground. Also is hard to fight in melee because zombies lag a lot making it hard to time the parry
Issue 5: Every one including enemies get teleported backwards when running forward making it almost impossible to shoot someone


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

To reproduce this issues just try to login in this server when is almost full and try to do anything in game.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 9 2023, 10:18 AM