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Game Crash when approaching a specific location on Novistrana
Assigned, NormalPublic


This is a form to report an issue from the PC VERSION of the game - for Xbox/PS4 issues use their respective forms from the dropdown menu (delete this prior to creating the ticket)

Many people and I are reporting crashes at specific location on a custom map I am working on.
We experience this crash when approaching a specific location in the map (sometimes, not all the times but frequent).

The location is called "Gostivar" on the Novistrana Island map
I have reproduced this weird bug twice (crashed, relog to server and crashed again)
The location had a village like buildings around it with loot spawned through central economy and possibly a car about 30~ meters from the player.
The location also had custom buildings.

I have tried debugging the dump myself using WinDBG+Ghidra, but no luck :(.

Here are mdmps and RPT logs from two incidents (one after the other):

Incident 1:

Incident 2 (Relogged to the game at the same position and crashed):


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Yuvalino created this task.Dec 31 2022, 6:46 PM
Yuvalino changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 10 x64.
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 4 2023, 11:17 AM