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White flickering color on vegetation models for a lot of players of custom terrain
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I thought it might be a bug on my end, but everything is fine on Chernarus and other players are experiencing the same issue on my terrain.

I have made a terrain on DayZ (Novistrana Island in the workshop) and a strange bug appears on vegetation. Clutter and vegetation objects (not clutter) have a strange white flickering texture bug.

It very much interrupts with the gameplay experience constantly while playing.

It occurs on some angles of view (I can turn the camera by 5 degrees and it stops). The bug also usually happens for a split second when ALT-TABing back into the game.

Turning on V-Sync reduces the problem but it still happens.

Here is an example pictures of the issue (the bug):

I assume you may also try to load the mod from the workshop and experience the issue (look around the map with noclip and you’ll see it on vegetation - or go to towns where vegetation models are spread widely across the streets).


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Yuvalino created this task.Dec 31 2022, 6:42 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Jan 4 2023, 1:20 PM

Hello Yuvalino.
Please try the following:

1 - Go in your TB Project, export the heightfield as an .asc
2 - Open that ASC in LT3D, Generate the Normal map from it and save it as a PNG
3 - Open that PNG under a photo software editor like photoshop, cut all the BLUE in the image
4 - Flip the image UPSIDE DOWN
5 - Save it as "global_nohq.png", then convert it to "global_nohq.paa" using TexViewer (DayZTools)
6 - Place it in your map folder like mapfolder\data\global_nohq.paa
7 - add that line in your config.cpp, under the cfgworlds class, having the right path of course for your actual file

Pack and you are good to go


Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 4 2023, 1:20 PM