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NOT A BUG, jsut a thought
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I like the fact that you can travel between Livonia and Chernarus (despithe the fact that Chernarus is located on the other side of a continent). It means there's some story behind it, even if it not told directly, it is there (like in dark sould). So I thought it would be nice to make some middle location, lake a border zone or something like that. Not big one, just 1x2 or 2x2 km. Player has to cross it from one side (point 00) to the other (point 20 if it will be 2km long) if he wants to switch from Chernarus to Livonia, or from 20 to 00 if he goes to visit Chernarus. Since the map will be small, players will try to camp the travellers and take their loot. But since players change the maps not that often, not much people will be there (after some time after the release ofc, release date will make those servers full). So I thought it would be cool add some missing ling you know, plus later that small "bridges" could be used by players to find a quick pvp fight, some sort of pvp servers. I don't know if it even technically possible, and you might probably not like the idea, but I thought it is not bad, so yea. Have a nice day.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 4 2023, 11:13 AM