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Cars damaged fuel tank issue
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Maybe it was planned this way, if so, let me know. So, when the fuel tank is badly damaged and you start to drive the fuel leaks (which is ok), but when the engine is off and the car is parked, the fuel stays on the same level. If you know about this specific of it maybe add at least 0.5 of a "driving leak rate" to static state. Right now you can just leave the car if the fuel tank is damaged and go find some blowtorch without bothering about the fuel. If it was planned this way, I'm ok with it, just let me know. Thought it might be more realistic if it will drain even in static state (but I'm not a car mechanic so I don't know all the details, therefore I might be wrong).


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

I tested it only on Sarka, so:

  1. Spawn yellow Sarka
  2. Damage the fuel tank to "badly damaged" state
  3. Check the lvl of fuel, memorize it
  4. Go drink some coffee, maybe burn someones food in the microwave, but do not roll the specimen inside the resonating chamber (I repeat, DO NOT do that).
  5. Get back in the car and check the fuel lvl (should be the same)
  6. Start to drive and you'll see how it starts to drain out.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 4 2023, 11:12 AM