The game takes a lot of graphics power, but the CPU sleeps. In The Witcher it's the opposite. Alder Lake and Raptor Lake are even very well supported by the e-cores.
That's why I have very big stutters. I need to set the FPS to 60. So I can partially play the game.
The 99% fps in performance overlay from nvidia drops from 100 to 20 and I notice that very well.
Here is the image of The Witcher 3 DX12 which shows an opposite what Arma reforger dx12 does not have.
here is a picture that is normal
And here's a picture that just randomly starts stuttering
and i get crashes sometimes too. Not always just sometimes
Following files will be included in the report (if they exist):
C:/Users/SAVA_/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile\console.log
C:/Users/SAVA_/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile\error.log
C:/Users/SAVA_/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile\crash.log
C:/Users/SAVA_/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile\script.log
C:/Users/SAVA_/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile\dxDiag.txt
C:/Users/SAVA_/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile\.save\ReforgerEngineSettings.conf
C:/Users/SAVA_/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/profile\.save\ReforgerGameSettings.conf
C:\Users\SAVA_\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\ArmaReforgerSteam_2022-12-27_23-58-54.mdmp
In addition, following summary information will also be included in the report.
Mode: Client
Command line: "E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma Reforger\ArmaReforgerSteam.exe"
Exception: Access violation. Illegal write by 0x7ff62927fc1c at 0x30
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff62927fc1c
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff629439114
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff62943ffab
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff629443f8e
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff629445561
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff629443800
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff629276f7b
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff629274a41
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff628d491b1
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6294c4280
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6294b50a5
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6294b4ea9
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6287d1bb4
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6287d1ce0
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff6298d6516
[BaseThreadInitThunk]: ??? addr:0x7ffb007726bd
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffb020cdfb8
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ffb020cdfb8