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Wolves are broken (slightly)
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I know they are an "only attacking" force in the DayZ world but they are broken. From glitching through doors/windows/buildings, to continually hunting you down no matter where you are, where you go, or how long you are logged out (unless of course the server restarts) they are pesky critters. They can phase through doors and gates, windows and even glitch up onto buildings if you have managed to clamber onto a roof of a shed to escape them. They of course have two phases of being: 1 running in circles around the player and 2 face off mode where they growl, bark and slowly advance towards you retreating if you move towards them. There are also times where they don't make any howling sounds at a distance and then suddenly you've been attacked by a wolf from behind without warning. Killing them is normal, but they are a pest as far as being able to rely on limits to their movement when it comes to a defended position/hidden position. They will also re-engage the same survivor if you log and return, until they either despawn, are killed, or the server restarts example: I was AFK in a building, eating dinner, heard wolves and a few moment later I noticed on my screen that my character got disconnected due to too high of ping, 45 minutes later after eating I logged back in and heard howling almost immediately and then they were outside the building once more. I decided to test if they would re-engage if I logged out and logged back in, sure enough they did, I tested a quick logout/login, 5 minutes and 10 minutes just to see if it was the same set of wolves, it was the same group of 3 wolves, thought nothing of it but then over time it has happened multiple times. The phasing through walls, doors, and windows has happened multiple times as well and I am assuming that this should not be the normal/what the programmers intended when programming them. I hope this description can help to tweak their code for a better AI on them. They are a good foe in the wild but I think they could be tweaked to be better still.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
It's actually windows 11 Pro x64 but you don't have that option, version 22H2
Steps To Reproduce

Be anywhere, it doesn't matter (should because in real life wolves don't hunt you down in your house, but it doesn't), Wolf instance(s) spawn. They howl (sometimes), they hunt you down, they begin their surround and attack phases.
If you are inside a building they will phase through some windows, walls and doors.
If you are outside and retreat to high ground such as a shed or other single story climbable object they can during their attack animation, and even sometimes during their run in circles animation, glitch up onto the object you are standing on.
The attack animation is more likely to produce the glitch because when they jump towards you they will often glitch onto or through the object you are on, resulting in either them being on the item you are on or in the case you are standing on a shed, inside of it. They can glitch inside the shed somehow if they are just running as well but on top (that I've seen) is only when they are attacking.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Dec 5 2022, 10:21 AM

I made the same report here. It's not just going through walls. I also agree with the existence of the other issues about wolves.