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The bleeding icon will not disappear until inventory screen is re-opened
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When the player is suffering from bleeding and uses the bandage to stop it, the icon will disappear from the affected part (leg), but not from the injury list on the top right. It will only disappear once the screen is closed and reopned.

Also, the bleeding icon from the affected part will disappear only after about 10 seconds after the bandage is applied. This is a bit confusing, since the bleeding has already been stopped and bandage can no longer be applied, yet the player may still think he's bleeding.

Lastly, the icons tied to body parts sometimes fail to snap to the body. I think this is tied to framerate somehow. When I make the game stutter, this happens fairly consistently (when spamming the inventory hotkey). When I run the game at 60fps, the icons appear very briefly at their default location on the top left but quickly snap to the body parts.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Use Game Master to spawn two soldiers
  2. Make one shoot the other one twice in a leg
  3. Take control of the wounded soldier and open inventory
  4. Observe two sets of icons: yellow and red on the body part and yellow and red on the top right
  5. Heal the leg by dragging a bandage from the inventory to any of the icons
  6. After the healing is complete, it will take 10s for the bleeding icon to disappear from the leg, while the other bleeding icon remains
  7. If the inventory screen is closed and reopened at any time after the healing is complete, none of the bleeding icons will be there

Event Timeline

Myshaak created this task.Dec 2 2022, 11:35 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Dec 2 2022, 2:38 PM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 14 2023, 1:01 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Should be fixed by now