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Vehicles missing long range sounds (vehicles inaudable over distance)
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I think this would be an improvement and this is more like a suggestion/feedback on the car audio

I think the gameplay would be better if the vehicles were heard from longer distances.
I also know that I have heard vehicles from more than 1km away in real life, even normal civilian cars.
Because of those reasons I think reforger should have long-range car sounds.

I tried increasing the amplitude of the existing sounds, but it did not give me the desired results.
Especially the wheel sounds are clearly designed for short range car sounds.
Real life long range car wheel + road noise is much different and sounds more muffled.

I have seen a similar issue in dayz, where cars are only audiable for like 80 m (last I checked the configs like a few years ago).
So I take it this is just an oversight in the vehicle audio design.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

I think new sounds must be mixed or the existing audio effects tuned for this.
Road type and car weight would play effect on the wheel sounds.

Engine sounds are also audible in long range, but the sound is probably based on fuel consumption (in real life).
I also think trucks and heavier vehicles should have an even longer range,
but ALL vehicles need at least 500m audiable range on average(average speed, average RPM, average road),
on extreme cirumstances, even more.

For gameplay this would also provide a benefit of hearing cars, trucks.
Not many times have I heard a car in-game and had enough time to prepare an ambush,
sometimes, I even see a car before I hear it.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Nov 2 2022, 10:31 AM