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Player collision causing multiple issues (since 1.19)
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


I've been noticing a number of issues with my Player's collisions with certain objects in game. I know there have been some changes to player inertia, for example, when stopping a run, there is now a moment of continued velocity before motion stops.

The first weird thing I noticed was (possibly entirely intended) that some of my sideways movements were hindered by my own momentum. When turning to the side then immediately strafing to that same side causes a kind of clumsy stumble.

Then I started catching myself on objects in houses, getting caught by doors I close quickly to stop pursuing zombies and getting stuck on ladders. Not all ladders, just a few that operated in a confined space. I found these ladders on the modded Namalsk map where there are a number of ladders like this.

Finally, I've discovered the issue seems to also effect my ability to reach loot that spawns in particular locations. Eg in the White Olga, on the floor behind the driver's seat. Opening the door doesn't seem to allow the player to get quite close enough to the loot to access it via Vicinity or visually.

Has anyone else been experiencing these issues?

To my mind, the things mentioned in the two paragraphs above all see to relate to the collision of my player... but could it also be related to the changes in player movements in general? Or is it more a case of some kind of tweak to the player's collision effects overall?



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Eg 1.

  1. Find a white Olga wreck.
  2. Look for loot on the floor behind the driver's seat.
  3. Open the door behind the driver's door.
  4. Try to access the loot.

Eg 2.

  1. In the Namalsk map, go to the tall industrial building by the road at Jalovisko.
  2. Go the ladder on the side of the walkthrough underneath.
  3. Try to climb the ladder (is is normally accessible with your back to the wall.
Additional Information

Eg 3.

  1. Go to any map that has the supermarket building.
  2. Go to the side window that looks in to the shelves (not the back where there are the large metal doors)
  3. Try to run/jump into the side window - this used to be possible and seems restricted now.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 27 2022, 11:16 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Acknowledged.Dec 7 2022, 9:57 AM