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Unable for 2 players in same house to connect to server one xbox one pc
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Players on same IP address assigned the Id causing game not let second player to connect to server.
Tried with official, community and local. servers. log from local server

Xbox or Pc can connect to server individually but if the other is on the server the last person joining will get into the game (water) menu will fail to load and is kicked back to home screen with error Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=2 'DISCONNECTION'

server log shows :Another connected player with the same identity found. Dropping this connection request and disconnecting the client

the only thing that i can think of that has been done in between there being no issue and an issue was using the peer tool in workbench. it worked prior to that with no issues.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Version 10.0.19044 Build 19044
Steps To Reproduce

Have either payer connect to a server, then once they are in game have the other connect to the same server and the second player will get the error Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=2 'DISCONNECTION'

Additional Information


Log C:\Users\John\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\console.log started at 2022-10-09 16:24:29 (2022-10-09 15:24:29 UTC)

16:24:29:010 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Users\John\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile' to filesystem under name profile
16:24:29:011 ENGINE : Initializing engine.
16:24:29:108 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 7) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
16:24:29:117 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core
16:24:29:117 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:24:29:172 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:24:29:182 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\John\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:24:29:252 GameProject engine user settings load @"$"
16:24:29:252 ENGINE : Engine user settings config loaded
16:24:29:382 RENDER : (OK) Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti' supports feature level 12_0
16:24:29:383 RENDER : Basic screen setup:
16:24:29:383 RENDER : Back buffer width x height: 1920x1080
16:24:29:383 RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB (29)
16:24:29:383 RENDER : MSAA : none
16:24:29:389 RENDER : Detected 1 output devices:
16:24:29:389 RENDER : Generic PnP Monitor (\\.\DISPLAY1), 1920x1080 (offset 0x0)
16:24:29:389 RENDER : GPU_NVIDIA (0x10DE) (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 8041MB (fast 0MB), shared 32739MB, driver version 517.48, stereo not available
16:24:29:389 RENDER : Multithreaded resource creation is supported
16:24:29:389 RENDER : Multithreaded command buffers are supported
16:24:29:389 RENDER : Compute units are supported
16:24:29:389 RENDER : Structured buffers are supported
16:24:29:389 RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2
16:24:29:389 RENDER : Shader precision support 16bit is not supported
16:24:29:586 RENDER : Main RT format setup.
16:24:29:586 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 0 : TEXFMT_R11G11B10F (26)
16:24:29:586 RENDER : Main RT format for quality 1 : TEXFMT_R16G16B16A16F (10)
16:24:29:593 ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=24, shortJobContextCount=8, shortJobThreadCount=7, longJobThreadCount=3
16:24:29:689 AUDIO : Device: SAMSUNG (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
16:24:29:708 RENDER : Reload shaders
16:24:29:709 RENDER : Shader version 116
16:24:30:000 PROFILING : Reload shaders took: 291.509800 ms
16:24:30:001 ENGINE : Initializing inputs.
16:24:30:004 NETWORK : Initializing networking.
16:24:30:004 NETWORK : Replication will be using RplNet.
16:24:30:004 SCRIPT : Initializing scripts
16:24:30:004 SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init
16:24:30:004 PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.017800 ms
16:24:30:052 PROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 47.791800 ms
16:24:30:052 ENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created.
16:24:30:065 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
16:24:30:065 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
16:24:30:065 INIT : Loading StringTable
16:24:30:074 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 8.972200 ms
16:24:30:074 SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts
16:24:30:104 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 30.580900 ms
16:24:30:148 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts
16:24:32:517 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 2369.327800 ms
16:24:32:549 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-08-22 21:04:57 UTC.
16:24:32:568 ENGINE : Creating instance of Statistics manager
16:24:32:783 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf"
16:24:32:783 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded
16:24:32:783 WORLD : Entities load 'worlds/MainMenuWorld/MainMenuWorld.ent'
16:24:32:783 PROFILING : Entities load took: 0.244000 ms
16:24:32:783 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities
16:24:32:784 WORLD : Preload
16:24:32:784 PROFILING : Preload took: 0.026600 ms
16:24:32:784 WORLD : Wait for preloading data
16:24:32:784 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 0.007500 ms
16:24:32:784 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:24:32:784 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:24:32:784 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
16:24:32:784 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.058500 ms
16:24:32:788 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
16:24:32:788 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.001200 ms
16:24:32:874 WORLD : InitEntities 'world'
16:24:32:874 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
16:24:32:874 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027768ACC030> Internal_CheckAddons()
16:24:32:874 WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
16:24:32:874 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.019900 ms
16:24:32:874 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 90.196600 ms
16:24:32:874 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 90.213600 ms
16:24:32:874 WORLD : Wait for preloading data around camera
16:24:32:874 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 0.000400 ms
16:24:32:874 WORLD : EOnActivate
16:24:32:874 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.002400 ms
16:24:32:874 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 91.196400 ms
16:24:32:878 DEFAULT : Entered main menu.
16:24:32:986 SCRIPT (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
16:24:32:986 DEFAULT (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
16:24:32:986 ENGINE : Game successfully created.
16:24:32:987 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf"
16:24:32:987 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded
16:24:32:987 UpdateEntities
16:24:32:987 WORLD : Frame
16:24:32:987 SCRIPT : Loading main menu. Dev mode:false First load: true
16:24:34:529 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027768ACC030> Callback_CheckAddons_OnSuccess()
16:24:34:530 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027768ACC030> FinalizeInitAfterAsyncChecks()
16:24:34:530 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027768ACC030> Init Finished
16:24:34:530 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027768ACC030> User Workshop access: 1
16:24:36:179 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027768ACC030> Internal_CheckAddons()
16:24:36:179 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x0000027768ACC030> Callback_CheckAddons_OnSuccess()
16:24:36:180 SCRIPT : GetGame().IsSafeMode(): 0
16:24:38:499 Creating menu 'ServerBrowserMenu'
16:24:38:499 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{577573D066AC7153}UI/layouts/Menus/ServerBrowser/ServerEntry.layout"
16:24:38:499 GUI : Layout load @"{577573D066AC7153}UI/layouts/Menus/ServerBrowser/ServerEntry.layout"
16:24:38:499 GUI (E): Unknown keyword/data 'No Localization' at offset 7226(0x1c3a)
16:24:40:763 GUI (W): Missing string ID = 1
16:24:45:979 ENGINE : Game destroyed.
16:24:46:002 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/John/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/5964E0B3BB7410CE/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name OdinsGameMasterAdditions
16:24:46:006 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Users/John/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/5994AD5A9F33BE57/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name GameMasterFX
16:24:46:026 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 7) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
16:24:46:027 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core
16:24:46:027 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=OdinsGameMasterAdditions path=C:/Users/John/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/5964E0B3BB7410CE/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:24:46:028 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=GameMasterFX path=C:/Users/John/Documents/My Games/ArmaReforger/addons/5994AD5A9F33BE57/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:24:46:032 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:24:46:083 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:24:46:084 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=4 name=profile path=C:\Users\John\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:24:46:161 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
16:24:46:161 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
16:24:46:161 INIT : Loading StringTable
16:24:46:170 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 8.611500 ms
16:24:46:180 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
16:24:46:180 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
16:24:46:180 INIT : Loading StringTable
16:24:46:184 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 4.681100 ms
16:24:46:184 SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts
16:24:46:215 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 30.793000 ms
16:24:46:228 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts
16:24:48:594 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 2366.100400 ms
16:24:48:675 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-08-22 21:04:57 UTC.
16:24:48:807 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf"
16:24:48:807 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded
16:24:48:807 NETWORK : Starting multiplayer client using client lobby.
16:24:49:304 NETWORK : Starting RPL client, connecting to address
16:24:49:304 RPL : Starting client
16:24:49:603 RPL : ClientImpl event: connected (identity=0x00000001)
16:24:49:904 rpl::Pip::FixedStep
16:24:49:904 SCRIPT : OnMissionSet
16:24:49:904 WORLD : Entities load '$ArmaReforger:worlds/GameMaster/GM_Eden.ent'
16:24:50:809 PROFILING : Entities load took: 905.474500 ms
16:24:50:809 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities
16:24:50:822 WORLD : Preload
16:24:50:835 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{DFFC0A34A77ADCB4}anims/workspaces/player/player_main.agr"
16:24:50:835 ANIMATION : AnimGraph load @"{DFFC0A34A77ADCB4}anims/workspaces/player/player_main.agr"
16:24:50:835 ANIMATION (E): Unknown keyword/data 'InitOnly' at offset 173507(0x2a5c3)
16:24:50:835 ANIMATION (E): Unknown keyword/data 'Condition' at offset 173548(0x2a5ec)
16:24:50:835 ANIMATION (E): Unknown keyword/data 'InitOnly' at offset 173717(0x2a695)
16:24:50:835 ANIMATION (E): Unknown keyword/data 'Condition' at offset 173736(0x2a6a8)
16:24:50:853 PROFILING : Preload took: 30.758100 ms
16:24:50:853 WORLD : Wait for preloading data
16:24:52:207 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 1354.111500 ms
16:24:52:207 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:24:52:207 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:24:52:207 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
16:24:52:207 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.012100 ms
16:24:52:221 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Eden', GenericTerrainEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
16:24:52:221 PROFILING : Terrain load
16:24:53:088 PROFILING : Terrain load took: 867.354600 ms
16:24:57:436 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:992583" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
16:24:57:436 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{AB7FC5591A5521D9}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x58.xob"
16:24:57:436 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
16:24:57:436 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:992584" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
16:24:57:436 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{32617CC007B21049}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x72.xob"
16:24:57:436 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
16:24:59:030 NETWORK : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits.
16:24:59:096 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
16:24:59:096 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.004500 ms
16:24:59:910 WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
16:24:59:910 TERRAIN : Initializing road networks...
16:24:59:912 PROFILING : Initializing road networks... took: 2.126500 ms
16:25:00:017 INIT : SoundWorldInit
16:25:00:052 PROFILING : SoundWorldInit took: 34.560000 ms
16:25:00:052 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 141.898100 ms
16:25:00:052 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 7844.794500 ms
16:25:00:052 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 7844.863700 ms
16:25:00:054 WORLD : Wait for preloading data around camera
16:25:00:159 RESOURCES (E): Failed to load 'Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Doors/Data/Door_Metal_stripes_01_MLOD_BCR.edds'
16:25:00:505 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 451.358000 ms
16:25:00:505 WORLD : EOnActivate
16:25:00:505 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.364300 ms
16:25:00:505 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 9695.936000 ms
16:25:01:164 rpl::Pip::FixedStep
16:25:01:164 DEFAULT : Player connection node not found for identityID=1. Creating a new one
16:25:01:165 DEFAULT : Dynamic Network Simulation: ON
16:25:01:165 DEFAULT : NDS Resolution: 0.000000
16:25:01:165 DEFAULT : Connection diagnostics: OFF
16:25:01:165 DEFAULT : Cheats enabled: ON
16:25:01:165 NETWORK : # Connecting player: connectionID=1, Name= 16:25:01:165 NETWORK : # Creating player: PlayerId=1, Name=vj4
16:25:01:165 NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=1, Name=vj4
16:25:01:362 DEFAULT : Entered online game state.
16:25:01:363 rpl::Pip::FixedStep
16:25:01:363 SCRIPT : idx=0, facIdx=0, facMan=SCR_FactionManager<0x00000277AF191F10>, facCnt=3
16:25:01:363 SCRIPT : idx=1, facIdx=1, facMan=SCR_FactionManager<0x00000277AF191F10>, facCnt=3
16:25:01:363 SCRIPT : idx=2, facIdx=2, facMan=SCR_FactionManager<0x00000277AF191F10>, facCnt=3
16:25:01:363 SCRIPT : SCR_BaseGameMode::OnGameStateChanged= 1
16:25:01:468 ENGINE : Game successfully created.
16:25:03:088 RENDER : ObjectsHeightMap::Build
16:25:03:088 RENDER : MeshOccupancyGridManager::GenerateAllForWorld
16:25:03:182 PROFILING : MeshOccupancyGridManager::GenerateAllForWorld took: 93.883200 ms
16:25:03:188 PROFILING : ObjectsHeightMap::Build took: 100.740300 ms
16:25:04:228 RPL : ClientImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000001)
16:25:04:230 SCRIPT : OnMissionSet
16:25:04:262 NETWORK : Player disconnected: connectionID=1
16:25:04:262 NETWORK : Total number of players: 1
16:25:04:295 RPL : Pip::Terminate
16:25:04:295 RPL : IReplication:: Terminating
16:25:04:363 RPL : Pip::Destroy
16:25:06:060 WORLD : Entities load 'worlds/MainMenuWorld/MainMenuWorld.ent'
16:25:06:060 PROFILING : Entities load took: 0.139000 ms
16:25:06:060 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities
16:25:06:061 WORLD : Preload
16:25:06:061 PROFILING : Preload took: 0.002800 ms
16:25:06:061 WORLD : Wait for preloading data
16:25:06:061 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 0.000300 ms
16:25:06:061 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:25:06:061 WORLD : CreateEntities 'world'
16:25:06:061 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
16:25:06:061 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.006900 ms
16:25:06:062 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
16:25:06:062 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.000700 ms
16:25:06:070 WORLD : InitEntities 'world'
16:25:06:070 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
16:25:06:070 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000277C8094030> Internal_CheckAddons()
16:25:06:070 WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
16:25:06:070 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.008000 ms
16:25:06:070 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 9.238600 ms
16:25:06:070 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 9.249700 ms
16:25:06:070 WORLD : EOnActivate
16:25:06:070 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.001200 ms
16:25:06:070 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 9.781000 ms
16:25:06:070 DEFAULT : Entered main menu.
16:25:06:098 SCRIPT (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
16:25:06:098 DEFAULT (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
16:25:06:099 DEFAULT (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=2
16:25:06:099 SCRIPT : Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=2 'DISCONNECTION'
16:25:06:099 UpdateEntities
16:25:06:099 WORLD : Frame
16:25:06:099 SCRIPT : Loading main menu. Dev mode:false First load: false
16:25:06:118 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000277C8094030> Internal_CheckAddons()
16:25:06:118 SCRIPT : GetGame().IsSafeMode(): 0
16:25:06:275 ENGINE : Game destroyed.
16:25:06:315 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 7) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
16:25:06:317 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 2) to filesystem under name core
16:25:06:317 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:25:06:367 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:25:06:368 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Users\John\Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:25:06:444 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
16:25:06:444 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
16:25:06:444 INIT : Loading StringTable
16:25:06:453 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 8.570800 ms
16:25:06:460 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
16:25:06:460 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
16:25:06:460 INIT : Loading StringTable
16:25:06:464 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 4.696600 ms
16:25:06:464 SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts
16:25:06:495 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 30.143500 ms
16:25:06:507 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts
16:25:08:706 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 2199.254600 ms
16:25:08:800 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-08-22 21:04:57 UTC.
16:25:08:929 GameProject user settings load from profile @"ReforgerGameSettings.conf"
16:25:08:929 ENGINE : Game user settings config loaded
16:25:08:929 WORLD : Entities load 'worlds/MainMenuWorld/MainMenuWorld.ent'
16:25:08:929 PROFILING : Entities load took: 0.141000 ms
16:25:08:929 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities
16:25:08:930 WORLD : Preload
16:25:08:930 PROFILING : Preload took: 0.003400 ms
16:25:08:930 WORLD : Wait for preloading data
16:25:08:930 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 0.000300 ms
16:25:08:930 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:25:08:930 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:25:08:930 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
16:25:08:930 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.007500 ms
16:25:08:931 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
16:25:08:931 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.000900 ms
16:25:08:939 WORLD : InitEntities 'world'
16:25:08:939 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_AddonManager') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
16:25:08:939 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000277C8094030> Internal_CheckAddons()
16:25:08:939 WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
16:25:08:939 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 0.006400 ms
16:25:08:939 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 8.781100 ms
16:25:08:939 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 8.792400 ms
16:25:08:939 WORLD : Wait for preloading data around camera
16:25:08:939 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 0.000200 ms
16:25:08:939 WORLD : EOnActivate
16:25:08:939 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.001000 ms
16:25:08:939 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 9.476000 ms
16:25:09:028 DEFAULT : Entered main menu.
16:25:09:134 SCRIPT (E): [Chat] ScriptedChatEntity is not present in the world. Sending messages will not work.
16:25:09:134 DEFAULT (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
16:25:09:134 ENGINE : Game successfully created.
16:25:09:135 DEFAULT (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=2
16:25:09:135 SCRIPT : Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=2 'DISCONNECTION'
16:25:09:135 UpdateEntities
16:25:09:135 WORLD : Frame
16:25:09:135 SCRIPT : Loading main menu. Dev mode:false First load: false
16:25:09:151 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000277C8094030> Internal_CheckAddons()
16:25:09:151 SCRIPT : GetGame().IsSafeMode(): 0
16:25:10:829 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000277C8094030> Callback_CheckAddons_OnSuccess()
16:25:10:830 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000277C8094030> FinalizeInitAfterAsyncChecks()
16:25:10:830 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000277C8094030> Init Finished
16:25:10:830 SCRIPT : [SCR_AddonManager] SCR_AddonManager<0x00000277C8094030> User Workshop access: 1
16:25:11:066 Creating menu 'ServerBrowserMenu'
16:25:11:066 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{577573D066AC7153}UI/layouts/Menus/ServerBrowser/ServerEntry.layout"
16:25:11:066 GUI : Layout load @"{577573D066AC7153}UI/layouts/Menus/ServerBrowser/ServerEntry.layout"
16:25:11:066 GUI (E): Unknown keyword/data 'No Localization' at offset 7226(0x1c3a)
16:25:13:862 BACKEND (E): Http Error (TIMEOUT)
16:25:18:475 ENGINE : Game destroyed.
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ====
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-48_atlas.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-64_atlas.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/LoadingDots/LoadingDots_atlas.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_wait_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_disabled_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_move_camera_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_disabled_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/debugUI.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_rotate_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_waypoint_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_place_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_objective_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/panel_style_magazines.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/cursors_atlas.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/WidgetLibrary/ScrollBarRectangles.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_raw_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_select_uiuc.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_keyboard_48_atlas.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_keyboard_48_atlas.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI_atlas.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI_atlas.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/cursors_atlas.edds 3
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_objective_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_waypoint_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_rotate_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_disabled_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_snap_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_move_camera_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_wait_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_disabled_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_transform_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_place_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_select_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Cursor/arrow_raw_uiuc.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/WidgetLibrary/ScrollBarRectangles.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/WeaponInfo/panel_style_magazines.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/debugUI.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Imagesets/default.edds 2
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds 1
16:25:18:528 RESOURCES (E): UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-64_atlas.edds 1


Log C:\Game servers\arma\server config\server\console.log started at 2022-10-09 16:23:40 (2022-10-09 15:23:40 UTC)

16:23:40:299 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\Game servers\arma\server config\server' to filesystem under name profile
16:23:40:299 ENGINE : Initializing engine.
16:23:40:300 ENGINE : CLI Params: -maxFPS 60 -logStats 2000 -config C:\Game servers\arma\server config\serverconfig.json -profile C:\Game servers\arma\server config\server
16:23:40:338 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 3) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
16:23:40:343 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name core
16:23:40:343 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:23:40:380 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:23:40:390 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\Game servers\arma\server config\server/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:23:40:432 ENGINE (W): No module info used, trying to identify -> 0x5FF10000
16:23:40:432 RENDER : Basic screen setup:
16:23:40:432 RENDER : Back buffer width x height: 0x0
16:23:40:432 RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_UNKNOWN (0)
16:23:40:432 RENDER : MSAA : none
16:23:40:432 RENDER : Detected 1 output devices:
16:23:40:432 RENDER : Dummy output (Dummy device for our dummy render.), 1920x1080 (offset 0x0)
16:23:40:432 RENDER : GPU_DUMMY (0xFFFF) (Enfusion dummy render) with 1 GPU detected, VRAM 128MB (fast 128MB), shared 128MB, driver version 0, stereo not available
16:23:40:432 RENDER : Multithreaded resource creation is not supported
16:23:40:433 RENDER : Multithreaded command buffers are not supported
16:23:40:433 RENDER : Compute units are not supported
16:23:40:433 RENDER : Structured buffers are not supported
16:23:40:433 RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2
16:23:40:433 RENDER : Shader precision support 16bit is not supported
16:23:40:433 ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=24, shortJobContextCount=8, shortJobThreadCount=7, longJobThreadCount=3
16:23:40:461 AUDIO : Audio device created
16:23:40:515 ENGINE : Initializing inputs.
16:23:40:518 NETWORK : Initializing networking.
16:23:40:519 NETWORK : Replication will be using RplNet.
16:23:40:520 SCRIPT : Initializing scripts
16:23:40:520 SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init
16:23:40:520 PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.020800 ms
16:23:40:567 PROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 46.771000 ms
16:23:40:568 ENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created.
16:23:40:570 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
16:23:40:570 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
16:23:40:571 INIT : Loading StringTable
16:23:40:579 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 8.760900 ms
16:23:40:580 SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts
16:23:40:610 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 30.139400 ms
16:23:40:611 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
16:23:40:612 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
16:23:40:612 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
16:23:40:612 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
16:23:40:613 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:40:613 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:40:613 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:40:614 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ScreenEffects/Suppression/suppressionVignette_alphaMask200.edds'
16:23:40:614 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:40:614 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:40:615 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:40:616 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts
16:23:42:628 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 2012.412700 ms
16:23:42:710 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-08-22 21:04:52 UTC.
16:23:42:729 ENGINE : Creating instance of Statistics manager
16:23:42:732 SCRIPT : Profile - Using MachineName!
16:23:42:931 NETWORK : Starting dedicated server using command line args.
16:23:44:821 BACKEND : Required addons are ready to use.
16:23:44:822 DEFAULT : Reloading with required addons.
16:23:44:823 DEFAULT : Entered online game state.
16:23:44:921 ENGINE : Game successfully created.
16:23:44:977 ENGINE : Game destroyed.
16:23:45:010 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Game servers/arma/server config/addons/5964E0B3BB7410CE/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name OdinsGameMasterAdditions
16:23:45:014 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package 'C:/Game servers/arma/server config/addons/5994AD5A9F33BE57/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name GameMasterFX
16:23:45:028 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 3) to filesystem under name ArmaReforger
16:23:45:029 ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 1) to filesystem under name core
16:23:45:030 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=OdinsGameMasterAdditions path=C:/Game servers/arma/server config/addons/5964E0B3BB7410CE/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:23:45:033 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=GameMasterFX path=C:/Game servers/arma/server config/addons/5994AD5A9F33BE57/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:23:45:037 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/data/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:23:45:073 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=core path=./addons/core/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:23:45:074 RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=4 name=profile path=C:\Game servers\arma\server config\server/resourceDatabase.rdb)
16:23:45:113 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
16:23:45:114 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
16:23:45:115 INIT : Loading StringTable
16:23:45:123 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 8.219800 ms
16:23:45:123 GUI : Using default language (en_us)
16:23:45:124 GUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file.
16:23:45:125 INIT : Loading StringTable
16:23:45:129 PROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 4.296600 ms
16:23:45:129 SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts
16:23:45:157 PROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 28.099000 ms
16:23:45:158 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
16:23:45:159 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskVertical_256x1.edds'
16:23:45:160 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
16:23:45:160 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskHorizontal_256x1.edds'
16:23:45:160 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:45:161 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:45:161 GUI (E): ImageWidget::AlphaMaskTexture can't load 'UI/Textures/ProgressMasks/ProgressMaskCircular_1024.edds'
16:23:45:162 SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts
16:23:47:174 PROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 2012.029800 ms
16:23:47:252 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2022-08-22 21:04:52 UTC.
16:23:47:263 SCRIPT : Profile - Using MachineName!
16:23:47:462 NETWORK : Starting dedicated server using command line args.
16:23:47:561 SCRIPT : OnMissionSet
16:23:47:562 WORLD : Entities load @"{BEF094A5F7F3211B}worlds/GameMaster/GM_Eden.ent"
16:23:48:470 PROFILING : Entities load took: 907.643300 ms
16:23:48:470 WORLD : Game::LoadEntities
16:23:48:483 WORLD : Preload
16:23:48:499 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{DFFC0A34A77ADCB4}anims/workspaces/player/player_main.agr"
16:23:48:500 ANIMATION : AnimGraph load @"{DFFC0A34A77ADCB4}anims/workspaces/player/player_main.agr"
16:23:48:500 ANIMATION (E): Unknown keyword/data 'InitOnly' at offset 173507(0x2a5c3)
16:23:48:502 ANIMATION (E): Unknown keyword/data 'Condition' at offset 173548(0x2a5ec)
16:23:48:502 ANIMATION (E): Unknown keyword/data 'InitOnly' at offset 173717(0x2a695)
16:23:48:502 ANIMATION (E): Unknown keyword/data 'Condition' at offset 173736(0x2a6a8)
16:23:48:520 PROFILING : Preload took: 37.121200 ms
16:23:48:521 WORLD : Wait for preloading data
16:23:49:772 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data took: 1250.423000 ms
16:23:49:772 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:23:49:774 WORLD : CreateEntities
16:23:49:774 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated
16:23:49:774 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesCreated took: 0.165900 ms
16:23:49:779 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Eden', GenericTerrainEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
16:23:49:779 PROFILING : Terrain load
16:23:50:577 PROFILING : Terrain load took: 797.269700 ms
16:23:54:656 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:992583" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
16:23:54:657 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{AB7FC5591A5521D9}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x58.xob"
16:23:54:658 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
16:23:54:658 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:992584" ('GenericEntity') at <7034.411133 118.575241 6016.577637>
16:23:54:659 RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{32617CC007B21049}Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Windows/Glass_PhoneBooth_E_01/Glass_Door_PhoneBooth_E_63x72.xob"
16:23:54:659 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open
16:23:55:010 ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:1092048" ('StaticModelEntity') at <4955.812988 17.403893 4052.177979>
16:23:55:011 MATERIAL (E): Object @"Assets/Structures/Cultural/Calvaries/CalvaryLarge_01/CalvaryLarge_01.xob" - cannot load material @"system/wbdata/PreviewWindow/TransparentMat.emat", creating default one (class MatPBRBasic)
16:23:59:218 NETWORK : Enabled lag compensation, 29 frames with 100 FPS and 280 ms rewind limits.
16:23:59:283 WORLD : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized
16:23:59:284 PROFILING : NotifyBeforeEntitiesInitialized took: 0.005400 ms
16:23:59:285 WORLD : InitEntities 'world'
16:23:59:285 ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:3" ('SCR_MapEntity1', SCR_MapEntity) at <6400.000000 0.000000 6400.000000> @"{E1B88C66BF6CA1F9}Prefabs/World/Game/"
16:23:59:286 SCRIPT (W): SCR_MapEntity: Cannot get the size from terrain. Using default.
16:24:00:100 WORLD : NotifyEntitiesInitialized
16:24:00:101 TERRAIN : Initializing road networks...
16:24:00:103 PROFILING : Initializing road networks... took: 2.131100 ms
16:24:00:103 SCRIPT : RequestLoad: $profile:.backed\GM_Eden.json
16:24:00:207 PROFILING : NotifyEntitiesInitialized took: 106.758500 ms
16:24:00:207 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 10433.478000 ms
16:24:00:209 PROFILING : CreateEntities took: 10435.360600 ms
16:24:00:209 WORLD : Wait for preloading data around camera
16:24:00:209 PROFILING : Wait for preloading data around camera took: 0.001100 ms
16:24:00:210 WORLD : EOnActivate
16:24:00:210 PROFILING : EOnActivate took: 0.258100 ms
16:24:00:210 PROFILING : Game::LoadEntities took: 11739.739700 ms
16:24:00:298 NETWORK : RPL listen address requested: ''
16:24:00:368 NETWORK : Starting RPL server, listening on address
16:24:02:956 DEFAULT : Entered online game state.
16:24:03:056 ENGINE : Game successfully created.
16:24:03:073 UpdateEntities
16:24:03:074 WORLD : Frame
16:24:03:074 SCRIPT : SCR_BaseGameMode::OnGameStateChanged= 1
16:24:37:829 RPL : ServerImpl event: authenticating (identity=0x00000000,
16:24:38:054 RPL : ServerImpl event: connected (identity=0x00000000)
16:24:49:305 RPL : ServerImpl event: authenticating (identity=0x00000001,
16:24:49:537 RPL : ServerImpl event: connected (identity=0x00000001)
16:24:56:115 NETWORK : Player connected: connectionID=0
16:24:56:115 NETWORK : # Connecting player: connectionID=0, Name= 16:24:59:382 rpl::Pip::FixedStep 16:24:59:382 NETWORK : # Creating player: PlayerId=1, Name=vj4
16:24:59:501 rpl::Pip::FixedStep
16:24:59:501 NETWORK : # Updating player: PlayerId=1, Name=vj4, IdentityId=896c8841-8888-4a95-82ac-2e3dc1113f33 16:24:59:501 NETWORK : Players connecting: 0 16:24:59:501 NETWORK : Players connected: 1 / 1 16:25:01:032 NETWORK : Player connected: connectionID=1 16:25:01:032 NETWORK : # Connecting player: connectionID=1, Name=
16:25:04:132 rpl::Pip::FixedStep
16:25:04:132 DEFAULT (W): Another connected player with the same identity found. Dropping this connection request and disconnecting the client
16:25:04:132 DEFAULT : Disconnecting identity=0x00000001: group=6 reason=2
16:25:04:232 NETWORK : Player disconnected: connectionID=1
16:25:04:232 NETWORK : Total number of players: 1
16:25:24:212 RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000000)
16:25:24:232 NETWORK : Player disconnected: connectionID=0
16:25:24:232 SCRIPT : SCR_RespawnComponent::PlayerLoadoutSet response received: OK
16:25:24:232 SCRIPT : SCR_RespawnComponent::PlayerFactionSet response received: OK
16:25:24:232 SCRIPT : SCR_RespawnComponent::PlayerSpawnPointSet response received: OK
16:25:24:232 NETWORK : Total number of players: 0
16:25:24:450 BACKEND (E): Http Error x-request-uid="691efd82-e296-4a3f-a0e1-6814ed8b0cc0", apiCode="PlayerNotFoundInRoom", message="User wasn't player in this room."
16:25:24:466 BACKEND (E): [RestApi] ID:[20] Error Code:418 - I'm a Teapot, apiCode="PlayerNotFoundInRoom", message="User wasn't player in this room."
16:25:29:860 rpl::Pip::FixedStep
16:25:29:861 RPL : IReplication: Finished
16:25:29:862 RPL : Pip::Destroy
16:25:31:808 ENGINE : Game destroyed.
16:25:31:914 RESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ====
16:25:31:914 RESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds 1

Event Timeline

vj4 created this task.Oct 9 2022, 6:46 PM
vj4 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Oct 9 2022, 6:52 PM
mbamg added a subscriber: mbamg.EditedOct 9 2022, 7:47 PM

So I'm assuming Reforger doesn't allow more than one connection from the same external IP address...

Perhaps this should be changed to not allow more than one connection from the same account/device ID instead.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 16 2022, 10:01 PM
vj4 added a comment.EditedOct 27 2022, 11:54 PM

AS an update its still not working with 0.9.60

Just to clarify the usernames are differnt. xbox = vj4 PC(steam) = vj4sothername. Both accounts will have been logged into the same bohemia account. It used to work untill i used the peertool in workbench. No ammoutn of uninstall & reinstalls on both machines have fixed this.