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About the Host of new BR servers
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Hi, i'm having troubles with lagging in the new servers that you bring to us, brazilian players. When i use the site Battlemetrics to see informations about the server it shows me that it's hosted in Germany and i think it's a true information, because yesterday i logged in DayZ SA - SP 5131 (1st Person Only) and experencied several lagging at the level that i was being kicked from the server cause i had a ping that was +300 ms.

I've seen the twitter post two days ago and i though that we would have plus 3 servers to brazilian community, so do most of others brazilian players, but now i know that you just changed the Host to another and i think the twitter post was kindy hard to really understand the message, you know? maybe you should retweet and explains that was just a host change and not an server aggregation, just to be clear with the community.

last thing, not to much important is that when i logged i was fresh spawn, so my loot was gone with this server change(DayZ HC BR 4-001 to DayZ SA-SP 5131). I don't care about the loot, just saying that cause in the tweet you guys tould that we wasn't gonna lose the loot (Your character, bases, and items will remain as they are in new ones.) but i did lose in the end.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

This report is about the servers host, not the loot that didn't remain when i logged in.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jul 22 2022, 9:35 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Edwardo394.
The character issue has been fixed and you should have a correct character now.

Edwardo394 added a comment.EditedJul 22 2022, 6:16 PM

tnx, but what about all the server stuff?

i mean, the BR servers will have some good brazilian host or it still gonna be outside the latino america? cause i really like the atmosphere in oficial servers, the hardcore vanilla way to play is totally diferent of the comunity servers vanilla, so i would really like if i had a good ping when i join a brazilian server, what is not how it's happening. Right now the DayZ SA-SP 5131, wich supose to be for south america, have the same ping as the north american server DayZ NY 6053(1s person only)

I think it's good to tell that my internet conection is 400mb, wich should be enough to play, and i don't have ping issues with any game that i play.

right above that message, you will can see how the servers is to me right now, while i write this manfest/task