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Dedicated Server crash: Access Violation
Feedback, NormalPublic


Good day. We need a helping hand to find out what is causing server to crash.
Windows 10 Dedicated x64 server + HC

Batch startup parameters:

start "" /high "C:\%SERVERNAME%\Arma3Server\arma3server_x64.exe" "-serverMod=@%PRIVATEMODNAME%;@extDB3;@SSU;@SMA;@CBA_A3" -port=2302 "-config=C:\%SERVERNAME%\Arma3Server\CONFIG_server.cfg" "-cfg=C:\%SERVERNAME%\Arma3Server\basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\%SERVERNAME%\Arma3Server" -noSound -loadMissionToMemory -bandwidthAlg=2 -autoInit

Log files and dumps from the server:


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce


Event Timeline

Asmo created this task.Jul 14 2022, 2:05 PM
Asmo updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 14 2022, 2:11 PM
dedmen changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jul 18 2022, 11:39 AM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

02-44-51 crash says out of memory
13-41-49 is... not sure. Something certainly went wrong there but I cannot see how. If you have more reports of the same crash they might have more info.
Also I'd recommend to run profiling/performance branch, they have lots of bug fixes and are also easier to analyze crashes for me

Asmo added a comment.Jul 18 2022, 3:38 PM

Thank you for taking your time to investigate.

  • Here's everything we have at the moment (doesn't mean there were just this much crashes - previous dumps just got deleted), hope it could be useful

  • We'll install prof/perf branch and gather more data, thank you
Asmo added a comment.Jul 23 2022, 11:15 AM

We switched to profiling branch and it wasn't crashing for a couple of days, but today it did again

Asmo added a comment.Jul 25 2022, 9:40 AM

More crashes recently

These are good captures
Sadly the first 4 are still stable branch, looks like its all the same as the last one I checked. But cannot really see whats going on.
And the new ones.. ugh.. you renamed arma3serverprofiling_x64.exe to arma3server_x64.exe, That just turned this from easy to really annoying

Ok I got it.. I can see where its crashing, but not why.
It doesn't make sense.

Its related to some Car...
I cannot see more in the minidumps.
Can you get me a full dump, by loading this mod on the server
But the full dump will be very large, you can 7z pack it but you probably won't be able to upload on here

Asmo added a comment.EditedAug 6 2022, 11:16 AM

It finally crashed again, unfortunately mod did not load

20:50:07 "ArmaFullDump initializing"
20:50:07 CallExtension loaded: ArmaFullDump (C:\NWG_PL\Arma3Server\@ArmaFullDump\ArmaFullDump_x64.dll) [Arma full mdmp]

20:50:07 ["ArmaFullDump Init:","fail$"]

One more thing: One of the players claim that server crashed the moment after he attacked friendly UGV Saif located on the base with artillery fire and says that it happened at least once before. I kinda (kinda) can confirm that - when I tested new attack planes behavior sometimes plane would target that Saif (along with other vehicles) and my Editor would crash, this happened several times before I switched to testing in an empty mission. I'm not sure but this might be worth the check.

UPD: My colleague also confirms crashes happening on Saif elimination.

Uff yeah. Well thats just the same crash again. I guess I need to fix ArmaFullDump again, but I thought I just fixed it recently :/
I don't know when I will have time to do that, maybe end next week

Asmo added a comment.Oct 8 2022, 5:37 PM

The crash happens when you delete AI bot from burning vehicle.
Minimal steps to reproduce:

  1. Setup your scene as shown on the screenshot

  1. Add the following code to player's Init
    private _obj = _this#0;
    if (_obj isKindOf "Man") then
        private _vehicle = vehicle _obj;
        if (_vehicle isEqualTo _obj) then { 
            deleteVehicle _obj;
        } else {
            _vehicle deleteVehicleCrew _obj; 

player setCaptive true;
addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", {_this call NWG_UNDTKR_OnKilled}];
  1. Enjoy crash screen
Asmo added a comment.Nov 12 2022, 10:49 AM

Any update on this issue?

dedmen claimed this task.Nov 17 2022, 3:27 PM
dedmen set Ref Ticket to AIII-55411.
dedmen added a comment.EditedNov 17 2022, 3:40 PM

Very good catch, that repro did it.
During simulation code, the engine first simulates one part of the driver, and then a second part after it.
But due to your script, the driver suddenly disappears during the first part, and then the second part crashes trying to run on a driver thats now gone.
Thats why the dump didn't make sense, there is a check that driver is valid, just a few lines before the crash.

As far as I can see its specifically the driver unit, not any crew unit.
In this case, the drone that gets killed only has a driver

dedmen changed the task status from Need More Info to Feedback.Nov 17 2022, 3:59 PM

dev-branch next week and next profiling

Asmo added a comment.Nov 26 2022, 5:10 PM

thumbs up