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Embassy destruction issue
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The newly updated Saigon Embassy on CamLaoNam will have the north side of the building collapse if any vehicle touches it (such as trying to land a helo on the roof.) The southern side of the building will not fall over.

I am attaching a video of my landing, wherein I also found that the southern half did not collapse on landing.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 21H2
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

Load up the CamLaoNam map.

Get into a Huey.

Fly over to Saigon and land atop of the north side of the Embassy.

Watch as the northern half of the embassy falls over.

Event Timeline

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Bob_Murphy closed this task as Resolved.Jan 11 2023, 1:22 AM
Bob_Murphy claimed this task.
Bob_Murphy added a subscriber: Bob_Murphy.


We've picked up your issue and the fix has been implemented in the latest S.O.G. update. Thanks for helping us making the game better!
In the unfortunate event that (part of) the issue persists, please open a new ticket and include a link to this one.

Best Regards,
Bob Murphy

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dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.Apr 17 2023, 10:37 AM