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Infected at helicopters
Assigned, NormalPublic


This might be intentional but I have noticed that the infected at heli crashes seem to spawn +700m from player's bubble.
Now that is not my issues but that the dead infected don't seem to despawn after 5 or 15 min after a player has killed them.
On official the server restarts are set every 8 hour's so that where I did a little investigation and noticed that infected where still there after +45min and long after the helicopter had despawned.

Just don't feel right to me. God damn internet gaming feeling's!


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
win 11
Steps To Reproduce

Now doing this on official is one hell of long-term investment and boring. But after +6000h on the game I have picked on these things and managed to try it last month.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jun 13 2022, 2:39 PM

This is probably intended feature to prevent helis from despawn when someone is approaching them. "I'm guessing that"

We had a heli 200-300m away from a place where we where building a base the other night and the heli plus 4-5 infected did not despawn for over +60min.

I thought player's keep ruined items and dead infected from despawning if the player is closer than 100m from the object's.
I'm guessing that helicrashes and infected from the crash sites have a higher radius.

And if that is the case and intended than there is nothing wrong here I assume.