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Reforger Game Master Feedback and Implementation
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I would like to pre-face this post by stating that this has been a collective effort in the wider game master channel on the Arma discord since game launch to todays date. A form was created by myself with open access to the community in an attempt to consolidate as many ideas as possible into one location. This post contains nothing but pure constructive criticism and a unified voice through myself to attempt to convey ideas in one location. Below will have many of the ideas presented bulletpointed for ease of access, but any clarifications on any of it for anyone can be obtained through the discord as DimiGod#8785 or the discord server as Game Master Jesus.

-New UI, more centered to the PC community in similarity to Arma 3’s system; the current UI feels very tailored to console players and is inefficient for PC players. Potentially add a "legacy" UI that functions similar to the old one, or just have toggleable different UI modes for players to give the options.

- Reintroduce old keybinds/mouse inputs for setting waypoints and editing waypoints “move, hold, seek and destroy, etc.”. Being able to modify a waypoint to anything from the one core was more streamlined for some as opposed being locked to different hotkeys and placements.

- Expand the "properties" box, allowing for the customization of stance, behavior, skill, etc.

- The ability to change individual Ai unit traits like ZEN does or the eden editor under Object AI section in properties. 

- The ability to have individual AI highlighted at greater ranges. Currently the pop in distance for selecting individuals is far too short.

- Ability to save custom compositions in real time, be them as units or structures

- A true replacement of the Eden editor without needing the dev tool kit, OR, proper, thorough documentation of the dev tool mission editor to make it more accessible

- Ability to edit, or fully remove the spawn budget/limit, at least for PC

- Ability to racetrack waypoints, or loop them.

- further expansion of Waypoints to be able to set alert status, speed, stance, ect so you may have the AI automatically change their mode after triggering a waypoint. Allows for more dynamic scenes and areas

- Special waypoint rules in the form of requirements or timers. So waypoints might have a If-than requirements for embarking/disembarking infantry when it comes to a transport, or a timer for a vehicle beginning its waypoint chain and leaving, ect.

- Recently used or favorites tab on the object spawning screen to make re-using common assets easier

- Addition of proper copy paste and deep copy paste as seen in A3

- Ability to save game master scenarios and load them again in a different location, perhaps by saving them to your profile

- Resizing zone such as objective zones, restriction zones,  defend orders, ect

- Music / Sound/ Radio Messages Module

- Inactive Objectives that the Game Master can decide when to activate, so there can be  more pre-planning to missions

- Timed Objectives that follow the same idea as Timed waypoints, a Game Master can set time to it and be assured the game will fail it for him if not met in time, less to handle.

- Remove objects tool to remove structures, trees, grass, ect.

- Ability to easily instruct vehicles in a convoy of which order they should move in

- The control system for having objects snap to terrain or not should be hotkey toggleable or on the UI, make it a more accessible tool to switch between as opposed to needing to open the settings menu every time


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

I want to re-iterate these are all features that the game master community on discord has come forwards to mention, and is intended purely as positive feedback and constructive criticism. We all are excited to see how Reforger progresses and grows into A4, and simply wish to help that process for the community. Thank you Bohemia for all your hard work for this franchise.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jun 1 2022, 1:13 PM