Microphone: Hyper X Quadcast (USB)
Joined friends on a passworded server to test things out together, people told me i sound like a robot, quitted the game and my mic sounds fine again.
Started reforger and the same problem again, joined the same server, same results after pressing T a few times, i got told it gradually deteriorates after every pressing of T.
Tl;Dr: My mic quality deteriorates ingame and in other programs while running the game and using the VOIP function, after closing it works perfectly fine again.
Seems it only happens on my end or with a certain microphone and configuration.
Edit: Made a clean re-install and then verified the files, did the same steps again and the same bug occured, but found out that there is always one file that failes to validate after i launch the game, which then needs to be redownloaded as if a file breaks apart when i start reforger, maybe related to this bug.