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VOIP Forcibly Ends
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When closing out of inventory or map while using VOIP, VOIP is no longer transmitted and you have to let go of your push to talk key and press it again in order for VOIP to be active again.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 Home 21H1
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Hold VOIP button and continue to transmit voice
  2. Open your inventory (or in game map) while still holding the VOIP key
  3. While still holding the VOIP key close out of your inventory or map
  4. When the close action finally ends you will notice it forcibly ends VOIP even though you are still holding the key
  5. In order for VOIP to transmit again you need to release the key and press it again for VOIP to be active again
Additional Information

I spoke with a few different people in game who had different VOIP keys and the saw the same outcome I did. This means it is an issue with the close action and VOIP rather that just some clashing of keybinds.

Event Timeline

Unbind00 created this task.May 4 2022, 8:00 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.May 6 2022, 9:28 AM