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Exit code: 0x00000035
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I opened my Steam, hit play on arma 3, hit play in the launcher and the crash report window appeared. I tried launching the launcher from an executible, tried doing it as an administrator and tried restarting Steam and my PC. Nothing helped - I still can't get the game to launch.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Game Startup
Steps To Reproduce

Trying to launch the game from the launcher or an executible. The game doesn't launch in any case.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.Mar 9 2022, 11:36 AM
0:23:48 Shutdown normally

Theres a lot of weird stuff in your report, but no actual crash.

0x35 means

53 (0x35)
The network path was not found.

I don't know why there would be a network path error when trying to lunch Arma.
Maybe its related to Microsoft OneDrive maybe this helps

I have no idea why that network path error popped up, but I got the problem fixed. There was no update for the game when the error accured, but yesterday a patch for ArmA came out and after downloading it I could launch the game normally. The game works just fine, but it's still strange that a network path error caused all of this.