When an aircraft utilizes https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_aircraftTailhook for compatibility with the Freedom and lands on a carrier which is not the Freedom (e.g. mods Nimitz and Bon Homme Richard), the tailhook is auto-raised.
This leads to a less good player experience using modded aircraft carriers, in particular this will lead to the plane going overboard when the proper full military power throttle setting is applied upon landing.
Here a part of the script BIS_fnc_aircraftTailhook:
#define EXIT_CODE {_plane animate [_x,_planeHookUpAnimState];} forEach _planeHookAnimList;_plane SetUserMFDvalue [4,0]; private _hookAnim = _planeHookAnimList param [0,"",[""]]; waitUntil{!alive _plane || {_plane animationphase _hookAnim == _planeHookUpAnimState || {getPos _plane select 2 < 1}}}; if (!alive _plane || getPos _plane select 2 > 1) exitWith {EXIT_CODE}; private _objects = _plane nearObjects [_carrierPart, 150]; if (count _objects == 0) exitWith {EXIT_CODE};
The EXIT_CODE raises the tailhook if no Freedom is around (_carrierPart).