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globals.xml parameter FlagRefreshMaxDuration min/max values
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The following parameters:
FlagRefreshFrequency & FlagRefreshMaxDuration
appear to allow users to raise or lower the "timer" for flagpoles.

In an attempt to adjust the flagpole timer for item persistence by lowering the FlagRefreshMaxDuration, it seems to result in the flags very quickly lowering to the bottom of the poles.
The Value: FlagRefreshMaxDuration would appear to be set to default at 40 days (3456000sec/60sec/60min/24hrs=40days).
In an attempt to lower it to 5 days (5days*24hrs*60min*60sec=432000sec) it did not result it the desired effect.

The server Time Multiplier is set at "4" so I was curious if this affected the flag because it uses server time and not "real world time".
My assumption is the 5 days at a 4x server time multiplier would result in an approx 1.25 day timer (5days/4x multiplier=1.25 days)???


  1. Is there a maximum or minimum allowance for the values of these variables that is not listed?
  2. Do these two variables affect each other in an overall time value?
  3. Are these values affected by the server "Server Time Multiplier" values?

These adjustments are for a Nitrado server for Xbox console.
Thank you for any help in decreasing the overall time a flag remains in a persistence refresh state. or how these two variables affect each other.


Operating System
MacOS x64
Operating System Version
Xbox console
Game Settings
Steps To Reproduce

Lowered the default value from:

<var name="FlagRefreshFrequency" type="0" value="432000"/>
<var name="FlagRefreshMaxDuration" type="0" value="3456000"/>


<var name="FlagRefreshFrequency" type="0" value="432000"/>
<var name="FlagRefreshMaxDuration" type="0" value="432000"/>

Event Timeline

KiloIndiaPapa updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 1 2021, 5:22 AM
KiloIndiaPapa edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
KiloIndiaPapa changed Operating System from Windows 7 to MacOS x64.
KiloIndiaPapa set Operating System Version to Xbox console.
KiloIndiaPapa changed Category from General to Game Settings.