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Bugged car, Ada 4x4 precisely,
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The player is capable of getting into the car with pretty much anything in their hands, it just so happened that I got into an ADA 4x4 with a barrel and whenever I get out of the car and drop the barrel onto the ground it launches the car, ruining the entire thing beyond repair (all doors, wheels, spark plug, radiator, battery, engine - you name it). It also immediately kills anybody who happens to be inside the car and can potentially hit the person who placed the barrel (from full health I went down to yellow). It happens notoriously and already happened to me twice, as well as once to my friend playing on a different official than us. I'd be really glad if it was fixed because this way we lost two perfectly working cars, and as you know, on crowded officials to find a working car is less likely than Jesus Christ appearing in front of you in person. Thanks in advance for the help!


Operating System
Windows 8 x64
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Get into the passenger seat of the car with a barrel in hands
  2. Step out of the vehicle
  3. Almost immediately after stepping out drop the barrel
  4. Car is wrecked beyond repair

Event Timeline

Kita created this task.Nov 30 2021, 2:05 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Dec 1 2021, 11:12 AM
Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.Jan 20 2022, 3:44 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you for the report Kita.
The issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Feb 18 2022, 2:57 PM
Geez claimed this task.

Hello again.
The issue has been resolved internally and the fix should appear in one of the upcoming updates.