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Character looks like corps and annoying buzzing flies around if this is a halloween event it sucks because i already changed server
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Character looks like corps and annoying buzzing flies around, if this is a halloween event it sucks because i already changed server and other players heard my buzzing flies around me and killed me because they knew (hearded) my hiding place


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

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Hey man I also hear the flies buzzing after stopping completely for like 40 seconds or so. You can stop them once they start by moving again, even the one step. At first I thought this was a prank by a admin because I was camping on a well when I heard shots getting closer from the next town over but then one shot real close, maybe other side of svergino or so (no ricochets) but then a you are dead screen 3 seconds later. Hacker? Probably. butthurt admin for getting camped on? Perhaps. TLDR Devs the flies won't leave us alone.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Oct 25 2021, 10:01 AM
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Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Pyromagic.
This is a part of halloween event, not a bug. The flies appear when the player stands in one place for 30 seconds now. The halloween changes will be reverted at the end of the holiday. However, we are looking into the player feedback and some features might be adjusted.

Ok thanks for the answer! I hope the sound of the flies will dissapear... They effect the gameplay in a negative manner