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Code lock sound bug
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When picking up a used code lock, you will randomly hear the "unlocked code lock" sound after a while, and repeadetly.

It happens whether you have the lock in your hands or in your inventory.

From a little testing it seems like it only happens to codelocks that have been used, not to ones picked up from a spawn location.

People around you can hear the sound as well.

In the video you can see me putting in the code, picking up the code lock in my hands . The sound appears at 00:07 . Then I put the lock in my inventory, and the sound appears again around 00:54 . It will go on until you apply the lock to the gate again.

This was in the latest 1.13 exp patch on a server without mods. It happened in 1.12 as well.
I am not sure if it happens with 3 digit code locks as well, as I couldnt reproduce it on a 1.12 testing server. Maybe the time the lock is on the gate matters, or a different person needs to put the lock on?


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Put the right code in a 4 digit codelock that is attached to a gate
pick up the code lock in hands or inventory
wait a little

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jun 29 2021, 9:49 AM
Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.Jul 1 2021, 2:59 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello ProfessionalDead and thank you for the report.
The issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 11 2022, 1:24 PM
Geez claimed this task.

Hello ProfessionalDead.
The issue has been resolved internally and the fix will appear in one of the upcoming updates.