This is a sample code that launches the player up into the air towards North (with an azimuth of 45 degrees) and rotates him:
player allowDamage false; onEachFrame { if (isGamePaused) exitWith {}; if (isTouchingGround player) exitWith {player setVelocity [0,100,100]}; player setVectorDir ([vectorDirVisual player, 1] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D); hintSilent str ([0,0,0] getDir velocity player) }
setDir works correctly:
player allowDamage false; onEachFrame { if (isGamePaused) exitWith {}; if (isTouchingGround player) exitWith {player setVelocity [0,100,100]}; player setDir (getDirVisual player - 1); hintSilent str ([0,0,0] getDir velocity player) }