The possibility to add a custom arsenal would be very welcome.
Currently the only way to have a custom arsenal is, to modify the function
by adding something similar to
_funds = player getVariable "BIS_WL_funds"; "close" call BIS_fnc_WLPurchaseMenu; if (!(WLarsenal_BLU isEqualTo objNull) && !(WLarsenal_RED isEqualTo objNull)) then { private _arsenalBox = WLarsenal_BLU; switch (side player) do { case (west): {_arsenalBox = WLarsenal_BLU}; case (east): {_arsenalBox = WLarsenal_RED}; }; _null = ["Open",[nil,_arsenalBox,player]] spawn bis_fnc_arsenal; } else { _null = ["Open", TRUE] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; }; player setVariable ["BIS_WL_funds", (player getVariable "BIS_WL_funds") - BIS_WL_arsenalCost, TRUE]; closeDialog 602;
and overwriting / replacing BIS_fnc_WLOpenArsenal.
Then placing boxes with custom arsenals attached for each side and named accordingly (WLarsenal_BLU and WLarsenal_RED)
Sadly, in this example the vanilla arsenal does not get loaded when no custom boxes are placed. This is just an example.