Dear DayZ Team
You have hands down the greatest game ever created. I have thousands of hours playtime on PC. Many thousands to come. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be able to play such a unique and replayable game and helps me get lost as it helps with my depression, and I am not the only one who agrees with me about the positive effect it has. I really appreciate all the hard effort and time. To make the game as DayZ and realistic as it can be. Thats the big sucess of the franchise its ehat brings all the people. I would like if DayZ just added spawn-selection mod it would really help players who play in a group as well as making it easier for people to build a base. If a server is full that is an imposible task for most players which is very frustrating. Also less bodies at the coast from suicide which would improve the server performance anyhow there is still the random option in the mod. Dont get me wrong I love the community and the the DayZ team. I have a lot of fun there. I have cancer and its pretty bad, in case I dont get to say it, Thank you very much for all the beutiful time I had playing your game.
Yours sincerely,