Specifically encountered with "isSelected" and "weaponMode" animation sources.
A magazine proxy that is animated using these sources behaves different from the weapon that the magazine belongs to it.
Observed Behaviour:
- isSelected is always 1 for a magazine proxy
- weaponMode changes from 0 to 1 over the duration of 1 second at mission start, then remains there
Desired Behaviour:
The magazine proxies' animation sources should be a direct copy of the parent weapons.
Mag proxies that have currently existing animation sources (such as reloadMagazine) assigned may behave in an unexpected way after this fix. (I.e their embedded reloadMagazine animation plays, plus the magazine proxy in the parent weapon may be also animated using reload magazine, resulting in a compounded (2x) motion). This is a content side issue, but may cause too much unforseen chaos.
RISK Mitigation Proposal:
Introduce dedicated magazine proxy animation sources, such as isSelectedMagazine and weaponModeMagazine.